1.1 协议适用主体范围
1.2 协议关系及冲突条款
2.1 本服务的内容
2.2 本服务的形式
2.2.1 你使用本服务需要下载腾讯微信客户端软件,对于这些软件,腾讯给予你一项个人的、不可转让及非排他性的许可。微信网页版、Windows版、Mac版等需要通过二维码扫描登录。你仅可为访问或使用本服务的目的而使用这些软件及服务。
2.2.2 本服务中腾讯微信客户端软件可能提供包括但不限于iOS、Android、Windows Phone、Symbian、BlackBerry、Windows、Mac等多个应用版本,用户必须选择与所安装终端设备相匹配的软件版本。
2.3 本服务许可的范围
2.3.1 腾讯给予你一项个人的、不可转让及非排他性的许可,以使用本软件。你可以为非商业目的在单一台终端设备上安装、使用、显示、运行本软件。
2.3.2 你可以为使用本软件及服务的目的复制本软件的一个副本,仅用作备份。备份副本必须包含原软件中含有的所有著作权信息。
2.3.3 本条及本协议其他条款未明示授权的其他一切权利仍由腾讯保留,你在行使这些权利时须另外取得腾讯的书面许可。腾讯如果未行使前述任何权利,并不构成对该权利的放弃。
3.1 你可以直接从腾讯的网站上获取本软件,也可以从得到腾讯授权的第三方获取。
3.2 如果你从未经腾讯授权的第三方获取本软件或与本软件名称相同的安装程序,腾讯无法保证该软件能够正常使用,并对因此给你造成的损失不予负责。
4.1 腾讯可能为不同的终端设备开发了不同的软件版本,你应当根据实际情况选择下载合适的版本进行安装。
4.2 下载安装程序后,你需要按照该程序提示的步骤正确安装。
4.3 为提供更加优质、安全的服务,在本软件安装时腾讯可能推荐你安装其他软件,你可以选择安装或不安装。
4.4 如果你不再需要使用本软件或者需要安装新版软件,可以自行卸载。如果你愿意帮助腾讯改进产品服务,请告知卸载的原因。
5.1 为了改善用户体验、完善服务内容,腾讯将不断努力开发新的服务,并为你不时提供软件更新(这些更新可能会采取软件替换、修改、功能强化、版本升级等形式)。
5.2 为了保证本软件及服务的安全性和功能的一致性,腾讯有权不经向你特别通知而对软件进行更新,或者对软件的部分功能效果进行改变或限制。
5.3 本软件新版本发布后,旧版本的软件可能无法使用。腾讯不保证旧版本软件继续可用及相应的客户服务,请你随时核对并下载最新版本。
6.1 保护用户个人信息是腾讯的一项基本原则,腾讯将会采取合理的措施保护用户的个人信息。除法律法规规定的情形外,未经用户许可腾讯不会向第三方公开、透露用户个人信息。腾讯对相关信息采用专业加密存储与传输方式,保障用户个人信息的安全。
6.2 你在注册账号或使用本服务的过程中,需要提供一些必要的信息,例如:为向你提供账号注册服务或进行用户身份识别,需要你填写手机号码;附近的人功能需要你同意使用你所在的地理位置信息;手机通讯录匹配功能需要你授权访问手机通讯录等。若国家法律法规或政策有特殊规定的,你需要提供真实的身份信息。若你提供的信息不完整,则无法使用本服务或在使用过程中受到限制。
6.3 一般情况下,你可随时浏览、修改自己提交的信息,但出于安全性和身份识别(如号码申诉服务)的考虑,你可能无法修改注册时提供的初始注册信息及其他验证信息。
6.4 腾讯将运用各种安全技术和程序建立完善的管理制度来保护你的个人信息,以免遭受未经授权的访问、使用或披露。
6.5 未经你的同意,腾讯不会向腾讯以外的任何公司、组织和个人披露你的个人信息,但法律法规另有规定的除外。
6.6 腾讯非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护。若你是18周岁以下的未成年人,在使用腾讯的服务前,应事先取得你家长或法定监护人的书面同意。
6.7 对于微信会如何收集、使用、存储和保护你的个人信息及你享有何种权利,你还可以阅读《微信隐私保护指引》(链接地址:https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?lang=zh_CN&t=weixin_agreement&s=privacy)予以进一步了解
7.1 账号使用规范
7.1.1 你在使用本服务前需要注册一个微信账号。微信账号可通过手机号码进行注册,并可在注册成功后绑定QQ号码、邮箱账号。如你使用邮箱账号进行绑定,请你使用未与微信公众平台账号绑定的邮箱账号。腾讯有权根据用户需求或产品需要对账号注册和绑定的方式进行变更,关于你使用账号的具体规则,请遵守《QQ号码规则》、《微信个人账号使用规范》(链接地址:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_CX-GyypXy-9DF1edBpTvQ)、相关账号使用协议以及腾讯为此发布的专项规则。
7.1.2 微信账号的所有权归腾讯公司所有,用户完成申请注册手续后,仅获得微信账号的使用权,且该使用权仅属于初始申请注册人。同时,初始申请注册人不得赠与、借用、租用、转让或售卖微信账号或者以其他方式许可非初始申请注册人使用微信账号。非初始申请注册人不得通过受赠、继承、承租、受让或者其他任何方式使用微信账号。
7.1.3 用户有责任妥善保管注册帐户信息及帐户密码的安全,用户需要对注册帐户以及密码下的行为承担法律责任。用户同意在任何情况下不向他人透露帐户及密码信息。当在你怀疑他人在使用你的账号时,你应立即通知腾讯公司。
7.1.4 用户在使用手机号码注册微信账号时,系统将为你自动匹配微信号,你可以对微信号进行设置,但仅可设置一次,设置微信号后将无法修改。
7.1.5 用户注册微信账号后如果长期不登录该账号,腾讯有权回收该账号,以免造成资源浪费,由此带来的任何损失均由用户自行承担。
7.2 用户注意事项
7.2.1 你理解并同意:为了向你提供有效的服务,本软件会利用你终端设备的处理器和带宽等资源。本软件使用过程中可能产生数据流量的费用,用户需自行向运营商了解相关资费信息,并自行承担相关费用。
7.2.2 你理解并同意:本软件的某些功能可能会让第三方知晓用户的信息,例如:用户的微信好友可以查询用户头像、名字、微信号或朋友圈内容等可公开的个人资料;使用手机号码注册微信账号或手机号码与微信账号关联的用户,微信账号可以被通讯录存有该号码的好友查询;用户关注部分类型微信公众账号后将成为公众账号关注用户,相关公众账号可以根据其功能权限获取关注用户头像、名字、微信号、消息评论内容、图片、视频等信息,并可通过微信公众平台发送消息与关注用户进行互动。关注用户的消息评论内容、向相关公众账号上传的图片、视频都可以被具备相应功能权限的微信公众账号发布在公众账号内,供第三方查阅。用户选择微信与其他软件或硬件信息互通后,其他软件或硬件的提供方可以获取用户在微信主动公开或传输的相关信息,用户在选择前应充分了解其他软件或硬件的产品功能及信息保护策略。
7.2.3 你在使用本软件某一特定服务时,该服务可能会另有单独的协议、相关业务规则等(以下统称为“单独协议”),你在使用该项服务前请阅读并同意相关的单独协议;你使用前述特定服务,即视为你接受相关单独协议。例如:如果你需要使用微信支付相关服务(包括但不限于零钱、微信红包、转账、刷卡、付款、收款等支付服务)时,需阅读并遵守《微信支付用户服务协议》(链接地址:https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?uin=&stype=&promote=&fr=&lang=zh_CN&ADTAG=&check=false&nav=faq&t=weixin_agreement&s=pay);你使用微信支付相关服务,即视为你接受《微信支付用户服务协议》。
7.2.4 你理解并同意腾讯将会尽其商业上的合理努力保障你在本软件及服务中的数据存储安全,但是,腾讯并不能就此提供完全保证,包括但不限于以下情形: 腾讯不对你在本软件及服务中相关数据的删除或储存失败负责; 腾讯有权根据实际情况自行决定单个用户在本软件及服务中数据的最长储存期限,并在服务器上为其分配数据最大存储空间等。你可根据自己的需要自行备份本软件及服务中的相关数据; 如果你停止使用本软件及服务或服务被终止或取消,腾讯可以从服务器上永久地删除你的数据。服务停止、终止或取消后,腾讯没有义务向你返还任何数据。
7.2.5 用户在使用本软件及服务时,须自行承担如下来自腾讯不可掌控的风险内容,包括但不限于: 由于不可抗拒因素可能引起的个人信息丢失、泄漏等风险; 用户必须选择与所安装终端设备相匹配的软件版本,否则,由于软件与终端设备型号不相匹配所导致的任何问题或损害,均由用户自行承担; 用户在使用本软件访问第三方网站时,因第三方网站及相关内容所可能导致的风险,由用户自行承担; 用户发布的内容被他人转发、分享,因此等传播可能带来的风险和责任; 由于无线网络信号不稳定、无线网络带宽小等原因,所引起的腾讯微信登录失败、资料同步不完整、页面打开速度慢等风险。
7.3 第三方产品和服务
7.3.1 你在使用本软件第三方提供的产品或服务时,除遵守本协议约定外,还应遵守第三方的用户协议。腾讯和第三方对可能出现的纠纷在法律规定和约定的范围内各自承担责任。
7.3.2 因用户使用本软件或要求腾讯提供特定服务时,本软件可能会调用第三方系统或者通过第三方支持用户的使用或访问,使用或访问的结果由该第三方提供(包括但不限于第三方通过微信公众账号提供的服务,或通过开放平台接入的内容等),腾讯不保证通过第三方提供服务及内容的安全性、准确性、有效性及其他不确定的风险,由此若引发的任何争议及损害,与腾讯无关,腾讯不承担任何责任。
7.3.3 第三方服务提供者可以通过本软件向你提供产品或者服务,比如你可以关注第三方注册的公众账号、使用第三方开发的小程序、接受第三方通过公众账号(包括小程序)提供的服务及产品,或者通过微信授权登录能力登录并使用其他互联网服务。在此过程中,第三方服务提供者可能会收集、使用和存储你的相关数据或信息,腾讯通过与第三方服务提供者签署的有关协议、微信相关规范以及合理的产品流程设计,严格要求第三方服务提供者获取你的任何数据均应遵守相关法律法规的规定,必须事先获得你的明确同意,采取必要的数据保护措施,且仅为产品或服务之目的合理使用你的相关数据,向你提供修改或删除自己数据的方式,并在停止服务时必须删除全部数据等,尽最大可能保障你的数据和隐私不受侵害。你在接受或使用第三方产品或服务前应充分了解第三方产品或服务的条款及政策。如果你发现有第三方服务提供者存有相关违法违规行为,可以向腾讯投诉,腾讯将查实后予以处理。
7.3.4 你理解并同意,腾讯有权决定将本软件作商业用途,包括但不限于开发、使用本软件的部分服务为第三方作推广等,腾讯承诺在推广过程中严格按照本协议约定保护你的个人信息,同时你亦可以根据系统设置选择屏蔽、拒绝接收相关推广信息。
8.1 信息内容规范
8.1.1 本条所述信息内容是指用户使用本软件及服务过程中所制作、复制、发布、传播的任何内容,包括但不限于微信账号头像、名字、用户说明等注册信息,或发送的文字、语音、图片、视频、表情等信息、朋友圈图文、视频动态和相关链接页面,以及其他使用微信账号或本软件及服务所产生的内容。
8.1.2 你理解并同意,微信一直致力于为用户提供文明健康、规范有序的网络环境,你不得利用微信账号或本软件及服务制作、复制、发布、传播如下干扰微信正常运营,以及侵犯其他用户或第三方合法权益的内容,包括但不限于: 发布、传送、传播、储存违反国家法律法规禁止的内容:
(12)含有法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容的。 发布、传送、传播、储存侵害他人名誉权、肖像权、知识产权、商业秘密等合法权利的内容; 涉及他人隐私、个人信息或资料的; 发表、传送、传播骚扰、广告信息、过度营销信息及垃圾信息或含有任何性或性暗示的; 其他违反法律法规、政策及公序良俗、社会公德或干扰微信正常运营和侵犯其他用户或第三方合法权益内容的信息。
8.2 软件使用规范
8.2.1 除非法律允许或腾讯书面许可,你使用本软件过程中不得从事下列行为: 删除本软件及其副本上关于著作权的信息; 对本软件进行反向工程、反向汇编、反向编译,或者以其他方式尝试发现本软件的源代码; 对腾讯拥有知识产权的内容进行使用、出租、出借、复制、修改、链接、转载、汇编、发表、出版、建立镜像站点等; 对本软件或者本软件运行过程中释放到任何终端内存中的数据、软件运行过程中客户端与服务器端的交互数据,以及本软件运行所必需的系统数据,进行复制、修改、增加、删除、挂接运行或创作任何衍生作品,形式包括但不限于使用插件、外挂或非腾讯经授权的第三方工具/服务接入本软件和相关系统; 通过修改或伪造软件运行中的指令、数据,增加、删减、变动软件的功能或运行效果,或者将用于上述用途的软件、方法进行运营或向公众传播,无论这些行为是否为商业目的; 通过非腾讯开发、授权的第三方软件、插件、外挂、系统,登录或使用腾讯软件及服务,或制作、发布、传播上述工具; 自行或者授权他人、第三方软件对本软件及其组件、模块、数据进行干扰; 其他未经腾讯明示授权的行为。
8.2.2 你理解并同意,基于用户体验、微信或相关服务平台运营安全、平台规则要求及健康发展等综合因素,腾讯有权选择提供服务的对象,有权决定功能设置,有权决定功能开放、数据接口和相关数据披露的对象和范围。针对以下情形,有权视具体情况中止或终止提供本服务,包括但不限于: 违反法律法规或本协议规定的; 影响服务体验的; 存在安全隐患的; 与微信或其服务平台已有主要功能或功能组件相似、相同,或可实现上述功能或功能组件的主要效用的; 界面、风格、功能、描述或使用者体验与微信或其服务平台类似,可能造成微信用户认为其所使用的功能或服务来源于腾讯或经腾讯授权的; 违背微信或其服务平台运营原则,或不符合腾讯其他管理要求的。
8.3 服务运营规范
8.3.1 提交、发布虚假信息,或冒充、利用他人名义的;
8.3.2 诱导其他用户点击链接页面或分享信息的;
8.3.3 虚构事实、隐瞒真相以误导、欺骗他人的;
8.3.4 侵害他人名誉权、肖像权、知识产权、商业秘密等合法权利的;
8.3.5 未经腾讯书面许可利用微信账号和任何功能,以及第三方运营平台进行推广或互相推广的;
8.3.6 利用微信账号或本软件及服务从事任何违法犯罪活动的;
8.3.7 制作、发布与以上行为相关的方法、工具,或对此类方法、工具进行运营或传播,无论这些行为是否为商业目的;
8.3.8 其他违反法律法规规定、侵犯其他用户合法权益、干扰产品正常运营或腾讯未明示授权的行为。
8.4 对自己行为负责
8.5 违约处理
8.5.1 如果腾讯发现或收到他人举报或投诉用户违反本协议约定的,腾讯有权不经通知随时对相关内容进行删除、屏蔽,并视行为情节对违规账号处以包括但不限于警告、限制或禁止使用部分或全部功能、账号封禁直至注销的处罚,并公告处理结果。
8.5.2 你理解并同意,腾讯有权依合理判断对违反有关法律法规或本协议规定的行为进行处罚,对违法违规的任何用户采取适当的法律行动,并依据法律法规保存有关信息向有关部门报告等,用户应独自承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。
8.5.3 你理解并同意,因你违反本协议或相关服务条款的规定,导致或产生第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,你应当独立承担责任;腾讯因此遭受损失的,你也应当一并赔偿。
9.1 腾讯是本软件的知识产权权利人。本软件的一切著作权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密等知识产权,以及与本软件相关的所有信息内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、音频、视频、图表、界面设计、版面框架、有关数据或电子文档等)均受中华人民共和国法律法规和相应的国际条约保护,腾讯享有上述知识产权,但相关权利人依照法律规定应享有的权利除外。
9.2 未经腾讯或相关权利人书面同意,你不得为任何商业或非商业目的自行或许可任何第三方实施、利用、转让上述知识产权。
9.3 你使用本软件及服务过程中上传、发布的全部内容,均不会因为上传、发布行为发生知识产权、肖像权等权利的转移。与此同时,你理解并同意腾讯为实现产品目的,对你发布的特定公开非保密内容(如“视频动态”和“自拍表情”)在法律允许的范围内进行使用,包括但不限于予以存储、向有关用户播放、供有关用户获取及再次使用等。
10.1 你理解并同意,本软件同大多数互联网软件一样,可能会受多种因素影响,包括但不限于用户原因、网络服务质量、社会环境等;也可能会受各种安全问题的侵扰,包括但不限于他人非法利用用户资料,进行现实中的骚扰;用户下载安装的其他软件或访问的其他网站中可能含有病毒、木马程序或其他恶意程序,威胁你的终端设备信息和数据安全,继而影响本软件的正常使用等。因此,你应加强信息安全及个人信息的保护意识,注意密码保护,以免遭受损失。
10.2 你不得制作、发布、使用、传播用于窃取微信账号及他人个人信息、财产的恶意程序。
10.3 维护软件安全与正常使用是腾讯和你的共同责任,腾讯将按照行业标准合理审慎地采取必要技术措施保护你的终端设备信息和数据安全,但是你承认和同意腾讯并不能就此提供完全保证。
10.4 在任何情况下,你不应轻信借款、索要密码或其他涉及财产的网络信息。涉及财产操作的,请一定先核实对方身份,并请经常留意腾讯有关防范诈骗犯罪的提示。
11.1 本软件可能会使用第三方软件或技术(包括本软件可能使用的开源代码和公共领域代码等,下同),这种使用已经获得合法授权。
11.2 本软件如果使用了第三方的软件或技术,腾讯将按照相关法规或约定,对相关的协议或其他文件,可能通过本协议附件、在本软件安装包特定文件夹中打包、或通过开源软件(链接地址:https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?uin=&t=open_info_collect)页面等形式进行展示,它们可能会以“软件使用许可协议”、“授权协议”、“开源代码许可证”或其他形式来表达。前述通过各种形式展现的相关协议、其他文件及网页,均是本协议不可分割的组成部分,与本协议具有同等的法律效力,你应当遵守这些要求。如果你没有遵守这些要求,该第三方或者国家机关可能会对你提起诉讼、罚款或采取其他制裁措施,并要求腾讯给予协助,你应当自行承担法律责任。
11.3 如因本软件使用的第三方软件或技术引发的任何纠纷,应由该第三方负责解决,腾讯不承担任何责任。腾讯不对第三方软件或技术提供客服支持,若你需要获取支持,请与第三方联系。
12.1 你使用本软件即视为你已阅读并同意受本协议的约束。腾讯有权在必要时修改本协议条款。你可以在本软件的最新版本中查阅相关协议条款。本协议条款变更后,如果你继续使用本软件,即视为你已接受修改后的协议。如果你不接受修改后的协议,应当停止使用本软件。
12.2 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国广东省深圳市南山区。
12.3 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)。
12.4 若你和腾讯之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,你同意将纠纷或争议提交本协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院管辖。
12.5 本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。
12.6 本协议可能存在包括中文、英文在内的多种语言的版本,如果存在中文版本与其他语言的版本相冲突的地方,以中文版本为准。
12.7 本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力。(正文完)
Welcome to use Weixin and relevant services of Tencent!
You must read and comply with the Agreement on Software License and Service of Tencent Weixin (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), the Tencent Service Agreement and QQ Account Rules to use Tencent Weixin (hereinafter referred to as the "Software") and relevant services. Please carefully read and fully understand the content of each term, in particular the terms with respect to exemption or limitation of liability, and any separate agreement to activate or use some specific services, and choose to accept them or not. You may be prompted for the terms exempting or limiting liability in bold form.
You may not download, install or use the Software and related services unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this Agreement. Your downloading, installation, use, acquisition of any Weixin account, login and other similar acts shall be deemed that you have read and agreed to be bound by the Agreement.
If you are a minor please read this Agreement and other above-mentioned agreements with your legal guardian and pay special attention to the terms of use of minors.
1.1 Parties to the Agreement
This Agreement is entered into by and between you and Tencent regarding your download, installation, use, copy of the Software and your use of related services of Tencent.
1.2 Agreements’ Relationship and Conflicting Terms
This Agreement is regarded as a supplementary agreement of the Tencent Service Agreement and QQ Account Rules. It is an integral part to the foregoing agreement and rules and constitutes a unified whole with such agreement and rules. In the event of any conflict between the Agreement and the Tencent Service Agreement or QQ Account Rules, this Agreement shall prevail.
This Agreement also includes relevant agreements, business rules and other contents of the Services that Tencent may publish from time to time. Once any of such contents is officially published, it constitutes an integral part of this Agreement, with which you should also comply.
2.1 Contents of the Services
The service contents refer to the cross-platform communication tool (hereinafter referred to as "Weixin", exactly the same thing as “微信” being operated within mainland China) provided by Tencent to the users, supporting single-person and multi-person participation and instant messaging services including transmission of voice SMS, video, pictures, stickers and text, and also refer to the software licenses and services, including but not limited to relation chain extension, convenience tools, Weixin official accounts, open platforms, information exchange with other software or hardware and other functions and features (hereinafter referred to as the "Services").
2.2 Form of the Services
2.2.1 You need to download Tencent Weixin client to use the Services. Tencent grants you a non-transferable and non-exclusive license for the Software. You can log in the web version, Windows version and Mac version etc. of Weixin through scanning of the QR code. You may only use the Software and Services for the purpose of accessing to or using the Services.
2.2.2 Tencent may provide multiple application versions of the Weixin client for the Services, including but not limited to iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian, BlackBerry, Windows and Mac. Users need to choose the version matching their installed terminal devices.
2.3 Scope of License of the Services
2.3.1 Tencent grants you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the Software. You may install, use, display and run the Software for a non-commercial purpose on a single terminal device.
2.3.2 You may make a copy of the Software for using the Software and Services, and shall only use the copy as a backup. The copy must contain all the copyright information contained in the original Software.
2.3.3 Tencent reserves all other rights not expressly authorized by this Article 2.3 and other terms of this Agreement. You shall separately obtain Tencent's written permission for exercise of such rights. Tencent’s failure to exercise any of the above-mentioned rights does not constitute a waiver of such rights.
3.1 You can obtain the Software directly from Tencent's website or a third party authorized by Tencent.
3.2 If you obtain the Software or any installation program with the same name as the Software from any third party without authorization by Tencent, Tencent cannot guarantee that the Software can be used normally and therefore takes no responsibility for any loss caused to you.
4.1 Tencent may develop different versions of the Software for different terminal devices. You should choose an appropriate version for installation according to the actual condition.
4.2 After downloading the installer, you need to follow the steps suggested by the program to achieve correct installation.
4.3 In order to provide a quality and secure service, Tencent may recommend other software to you during your installation of the Software, which you can choose to install or not.
4.4 If you no longer need to use the Software, or need to install the new version of the Software, you can uninstall the Software. If you are willing to help Tencent improve the product and services, please inform the reasons for uninstallation.
5.1 In order to improve user experience and service contents, Tencent will continue to develop new services and from time to time provide you software updates (in the form of software replacement, modification, feature enhancement and version upgrade etc.).
5.2 In order to ensure the security and consistency of functionality of the Software and Services, Tencent reserves the right to update the Software, or change or restrict partial functionality of the Software without any special notice to you.
5.3 After the new version of the Software is released, older versions of the Software may not be available. Tencent does not guarantee that the old versions and corresponding customer services of the Software continue to be available. Please check and download the latest version at any time.
6.1 It is a fundamental principle of Tencent to protect the user's personal information. Tencent will take reasonable measures to protect the user's personal information. Except for the circumstances prescribed by laws and regulations, Tencent will not make public or disclose the user's personal information to any third party without permission of the users. Tencent adopts professional encryption storage and transmission methods for related information, in order to protect the user's personal information.
6.2 You need to provide some necessary information when registering an account or using the Services. For example, you need to fill in the mobile phone number so that Tencent can provide you with account registration service or user identification; the function of “People Nearby” needs your consent to use your location information; and the matching function of mobile phone contacts requires your authorization of accessing to your mobile phone contacts and so on. If relevant national laws and regulations or policies have special provisions, you need to provide real identity information. If the information you provide is incomplete, you are not allowed to use the Services or you may be restricted during use of the Services.
6.3 In general, you may browse and modify your own information at any time. However, you may not be able to modify the initial registration information and other verification information provided at the time of registration for the purpose of security and identification (such as the Weixin account appeal service).
6.4 Tencent will apply a variety of security technologies and procedures to establish a sound management system to protect your personal information and avoid unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
6.5 Tencent will not disclose your personal information to any company, organization or individual without your consent, except as provided by laws and regulations.
6.6 Tencent attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor, you should obtain the written consent of your parents or legal guardians before using Tencent's services.
6.7 You may read Weixin Privacy Protection Guideline (https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?lang=en&t=weixin_agreement&s=privacy&cc=CN) to learn more about what information Weixin collects or retains, how it is used, rights of you and how Weixin protect your personal information and privacy.
7.1 Account Use Specification
7.1.1 You need to register a Weixin account through a mobile phone number before using the Services. You can also bind a QQ Account and e-mail account to the Weixin account after successful registration. In case of binding with an e-mail account, please use an e-mail account that is not bound to any account in the Weixin Official Platform. Tencent is entitled to change the form of account registration and the binding manner according to user’s needs or product needs. With respect to the specific rules for your account, please comply with the QQ Account Rules , Weixin Personal Account Use Guideline (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_CX-GyypXy-9DF1edBpTvQ) related agreements for use of accounts and special rules published by Tencent.
7.1.2 The ownership of any Weixin account belongs to Tencent. The user only obtains the right to use the Weixin account after completing the registration procedure. In addition, such right to use only belongs to the initial registration applicant. Moreover, the initial registration applicant shall not donate, borrow, rent, transfer or sell the Weixin account, nor permit any non-initial registration applicant to use the Weixin account. No non-initial registration applicant shall use the Weixin account by means of donation, inheritance, lease, transfer and so on.
7.1.3 The user shall be responsible for carefully safekeeping the registration account information and the account password. The user shall assume legal responsibly for the registered account and password. The user agrees not to disclose the account and password information to others in any case. When you suspect that someone else is using your account, you should immediately notify Tencent.
7.1.4 When the user registers the Weixin account with a mobile phone number, the system will automatically generate a Weixin ID. You can set the Weixin ID, but only for once. The Weixin ID cannot be modified once it is set.
7.1.5 If the user does not log on the Weixin account for a long time after registration, Tencent has the right to take back the account, to avoid waste of resources. The user shall be solely liable for the resulting loss.
7.2 Notes
7.2.1 You understand and agree that the Software will use the processor, bandwidth and other resources of your terminal device in order to provide you with effective services. The costs of data traffic may incur during use of the Software, and the user shall acquire relevant fee information from the operator on its own and bear relevant costs.
7.2.2 You understand and agree that some of the features of the Software may allow third parties to know the user's information. For example, the user’s Weixin friends can query the user's personal information that is publicly available, including profile photo, name, Weixin ID or contents in “Moments”. Where the user registers a Weixin account by using a mobile phone number or binds the Weixin account with a mobile phone number, the friends having such mobile phone number in the contacts can query such Weixin account. After the user follows Weixin official accounts of certain type, it will become a follower of such official accounts, and such official accounts can obtain the profile photo, account name, Weixin ID, comments, pictures, video and other information of the followers based on their function authority. Such official accounts can also interact with the user by sending messages to the followers through the Weixin Official Account Admin Platform. The Weixin official account having appropriate authority can also publish in such account the messages and comments of the following users and pictures and video uploaded to such account by the followers, for access of third parties. If user choose to exchange information with other software or hardware, the provider of the other software or hardware may access user’s information proactively disclosed or transmitted, user should fully understand other software or hardware’s product features as well as its data and privacy policy before granting your consent to use it.
7.2.3 When you use a particular service of this Software, the service may be governed by separate agreements and related business rules etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Separate Agreement"). Please read and agree to relevant Separate Agreement before you use the service. Your use of the above specific service shall be deemed that you have accepted relevant Separate Agreement. For example, you should read and comply with the Weixin Payment System User Service Agreement (https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?uin=&stype=&promote=&fr=&lang=zh_CN&ADTAG=&check=false&nav=faq&t=weixin_agreement&s=pay), if you need to use Weixin to pay relevant services (including but not limited to loose change, Weixin Red Packet, transferring money, bank card consumption, making payment, receiving money and other payment services). Your use of Weixin to pay related services shall be deemed that you have accepted the Weixin Payment System User Service Agreement.(https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?uin=&stype=&promote=&fr=&lang=zh_CN&ADTAG=&check=false&nav=faq&t=weixin_agreement&s=pay)
7.2.4 You understand and agree that Tencent will make its reasonable commercial efforts to maintain your data stored in the Software and Services safe, but Tencent cannot warrant that your data is absolutely safe, especially: Tencent is not responsible for deletion or failure of your storage of relevant data in the Software and Services; Tencent is entitled to decide at its discretion the longest period of data storage in the Software and Services for each user according to the actual situation, and allocate the maximum space in the server for data storage of the user and so on. You can back up relevant data in the Software and Services on your own according to your own needs; If you stop using the Software and Services or the Services are terminated or canceled, Tencent can permanently delete your data from the server. When the Services are stopped, terminated or canceled, Tencent is not obligated to return any data to you.
7.2.5 The user shall be responsible for the risks beyond control of Tencent in the use of the Software and Services, including but not limited to: Risks such as loss or leakage of personal information due to irresistible factors; Any issues or damages arising from the failure of the user to choose the right software version matching the terminal device where the Software is installed; Any risks caused by any third-party website or relevant content of such website when the user accesses to the website by using the Software; Any risks or liabilities caused by others’ transmission or sharing of the content published by the user; Risks including failure to login Tencent Weixin, incomplete data synchronization and slow page opening speed caused by unstable wireless network signal, small wireless network bandwidth or other reasons.
7.3 Third-Party Products and Services
7.3.1 When you use the products or services provided by any third party of this Software, you shall comply with the user agreement of the third party in addition to this Agreement. Tencent and the third party shall assume their respective responsibilities separately for any possible dispute between them within the scope prescribed by laws and or stipulated by agreement.
7.3.2 When the user uses the Software or requires Tencent to provide any specific service, the Software may support the user’s use or access by invoking a third-party system or through a third party. The third party provides the results of use or access (including but not limited to the services provided by the third party through any Weixin official account or the contents accessed through the Weixin Open Platform). Tencent does not guarantee the security, accuracy, effectiveness and other uncertain risks of the services and contents provided by such third parties. Any dispute or damage caused therefrom is irrelevant to Tencent, Tencent therefore will not assume any responsibility.
7.3.3 Third party service provider may and could provide you with other products or services through Weixin, like you may follow third party’s official account, use the mini program provided by third party, accept third party’s products or services offered via official account (including mini program), or access to other internet service login by Weixin account with authorization. In the process, third party service provider may collect, use and retain your relevant personal information and data, by implementing rigorous policies and terms as well as product procedures, Tencent requires any third party service providers to strictly comply with applicable laws and regulations, to obtain your specific prior consent, to reasonably use your information only for purpose of providing products or services, to take necessary measures to secure and protect your information, to provide you with right of access ,modification and deletion of your information, and to delete all of your information immediately while service is terminated. You should fully understand third party’s products or services and its privacy policy before granting your consent to use it. If you find any violation of third party service party, we encourage you to report to Tencent which will conduct investigation and take measures accordingly.
7.3.4 You understand and agree that Tencent is entitled to use the Software for commercial purposes, including but not limited to development and use of partial services of the Software for promotion of any third party. Tencent undertakes to protect your personal information in the promotion process in strict accordance with this Agreement. Meanwhile, you can choose to block or refuse to receive relevant promotional information according to the system settings.
8.1 Information Content Specification
8.1.1 Information contents contained in this Article refer to any content created, produced, copied, published or transmitted by the user during the use of the Software and Services, including but not limited to, registered information such as profile photo, name and user description of the Weixin account, or text, voice and pictures, videos, stickers etc. that are sent to and/or published in “Moments” , Time Capsule and pages of related links, and other contents that are generated through use of the Weixin account or the Software and Services.
8.1.2 You understand and agree that Weixin has always been committed to providing users with a civilized, healthy, standardized and orderly network environment. You shall not use the Weixin account or the Software and Services to produce, copy, publish, or spread the contents interfering with normal operation of Weixin or infringing lawful rights and interests of other users or third parties, including but not limited to the following: You may not publish, transmit, spread, and store prohibited contents in violation of national laws and regulations, which:
(1) Violate the basic principles established by the Constitution;
(2) Endanger national security, divulge state secrets, subvert state power and undermine national unity;
(3) Damage national honor and interest;
(4) Incite national hatred and ethnic discrimination, and destroy national unity;
(5) Undermine national religious policies and promote cults and feudal superstition;
(6) Spread rumors, disturb the social order and undermine social stability;
(7) Disseminate obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or abet any crime;
(8) Insult or slander others and infringe legitimate rights and interests of others;
(9) Incite illegal assembly, association, procession, demonstrations and gatherings disrupting the social order;
(10) Carry out any activity in the name of any illegal civil organization;
(11) Contradict to Interim Provisions on the Administration of the Development of Public Information Services of Instant Messaging Tools and comply with the requirements of "seven bottom lines" including laws and regulations, socialist systems, national interests, legitimate interests of citizens, public order, social morality and information authenticity;
(12) Contain any other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations. You may not publish, transfer, transmit and store the contents infringing legitimate rights of others, including the right of reputation, right of portrait, intellectual property right and trade secrets. You may not publish, transfer, transmit and store the contents relating to others’ privacy, personal information or materials; You may not publish, transfer and transmit harassment and advertising information, over-marketing information, spam or any information containing any sexual content or sexual connotation; Other information that violates laws, regulations, policies and public order, contradicts to social morality, or interferes with the normal operation of Weixin or infringes the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties, which information is also prohibited to published, transferred and transmitted.
8.2 Software Usage Specification
8.2.1 You may not engage in any of the following acts in the course of your use of the Software except as permitted by law or by Tencent's written permission: Delete the copyright information on the Software and its copies; Conduct reverse engineering, reverse assembly and reverse compiling on the Software, or other attempt to discover the source code of the Software; Use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reproduce, compile, release, publish or establish a mirror site for the contents that Tencent owns intellectual property rights; Copy, modify, add, delete and mount the data stored in any terminal memory by the Software or during the operation of the Software, the interactive data between the client and the server during operation of the Software, and the system data necessary for operation of the Software, or create any derivative works by using plug-ins, add-ons or third-party tools/services unauthorized by Tencent to access to the Software and related systems; Add, delete, change the functions or operating effects of the Software by modifying or forging the instructions and data of the Software, or operate or spread to the public the software and methods used for the purposes described above, whether or not such acts are for commercial purposes. Login or use Tencent Software and Services through any third-party software, plug-in, add-on or system that are not developed or authorized by Tencent, or produce, publish, disseminate the these tools; Interfere with the Software and its components, modules and data on your own or by authorizing others or third-party software to do so; Other acts not expressly authorized by Tencent.
8.2.2 You understand and agree that Tencent is entitled to choose the objects to provide with the Services, determine functions and settings, decide objects and the scope to open any function and disclose any data interface and related data, based on comprehensive factors including user experience, operating security of Weixin or related service platform, platform rules and healthy development. Tencent may suspend or terminate the Services to you if you’re suspected to be involved in the behaviors including but not limited to: violation of laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement; affecting the service experience of Weixin; causing any potential safety hazard; copying the primary functions or functional components of Weixin or other products of Tencent, or use other way to achieve the main effect of the said functions or functional components; trying at misleading the users to believe your products, services, or function is provided or authorized by Tencent, by adopting similar interface, style, function, description or user experience to Weixin and Tencent. Other behaviors which contradict to the operating principles of Weixin or its service platform, or other management requirements of Tencent.
8.3 Service Operation Requirements
Except as permitted by law or authorized by Tencent in writing, you may not engage in the following acts in the course of your use of the Services:
8.3.1 Submit and publish false information, or impersonate others or use the name of others;
8.3.2 Induce other users to click on the link pages or share information;
8.3.3 Fabricate facts or conceal the truth to mislead or deceive others;
8.3.4 Infringe legitimate rights of others including right of reputation, right of portrait, intellectual property right and trade secrets;
8.3.5 Utilize any Weixin account, any function and any third-party operating platform to conduct promotion or mutual promotion without Tencent’s written permission;
8.3.6 Utilize any Weixin account or the Software and Services to engage in any illegal and criminal activities;
8.3.7 Make or release the methods or tools related to the above-mentioned acts, or operate or spread such methods or tools, whether or not for commercial purposes;
8.3.8 Other acts violating laws and regulations, infringing the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfering with normal operation of products or not expressly authorized by Tencent.
8.4 Responsible for Your Own Acts
You fully understand and agree that you must be responsible for all acts under your account, including any content and any comments you published, your likes and recommendations etc., and any consequences arising therefrom. You shall judge the contents of the Service by yourself and assume all risks arising from the use of the contents, including the risks arising from reliance on the correctness, completeness or usefulness of the contents. Tencent cannot and will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the foregoing risks.
8.5 Treatment for Breach of Contract
8.5.1 If Tencent finds or receives any report or complaint from others against the user on violation to this Agreement, Tencent is entitled to remove or obscure relevant contents at any time without notice, impose punishment on the violating account including but not limited to warning, restriction or prohibition of the use of some or all of the functions, account banning or cancellation, and announce the results of treatment.
8.5.2 You understand and agree that Tencent is entitled to, based on its reasonable judgement, punish any act violating relevant laws and regulations or provisions of this Agreement, take appropriate legal action against any user in violation of any laws and regulations, and preserve relevant information in accordance with related laws and regulations to report to relevant departments etc. The user shall bear all the resulting legal responsibilities.
8.5.3 You understand and agree that you shall be solely liable for any claims, requests or losses arising out of or in connection with your breach of the provisions of this Agreement or relevant terms of the Services. You shall also be liable for the compensation of any losses caused to Tencent.
9.1 Tencent is the holder of the intellectual property rights of the Software. All intellectual property rights related to the Software, including copyright, trademark, patent and trade secrets and all information related to this Software (including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, graphics, interface design, layout framework, related data or electronic documents) are protected by laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and corresponding international treaties. Tencent enjoys the above intellectual property rights, except for those rights enjoyed by relevant right holders in accordance with the laws.
9.2 You may not or permit any third party to implement, use, or transfer any of the above intellectual property rights for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without the prior written consent of Tencent or relevant rights holders.
9.3 No intellectual property rights or rights of portrait associated with the contents created, uploaded or published by you via the Software and Services, will be assigned by uploading or publishing such contents. However, you acknowledge and agree that, to the extent permitted by laws, Tencent is granted to use the non-confidential contents uploaded or published by you (such as video published via Time Capsule, selfie stickers) for achieving the performance of the Software and Services, including without limited to storage, displaying to relevant users, granting and allowing other use.
10.1 You understand and agree that the Software, like most Internet software, may be affected by a variety of factors including but not limited to users’ reasons, network service quality and social environment, or may be interfered by various security issues, including but not limited to illegal use of user information by others to conduct harassment in real life, and that other software downloaded and installed and sites visited by the user may contain viruses, Trojans or other malicious programs, which may endanger the security of information and data in your terminal device and then affect the normal use of the Software. Therefore, you should strengthen the awareness of information security and protection of personal information, and pay attention to password protection, to avoid any loss.
10.2 You shall not produce, publish, use, and spread any malicious program which steals Weixin accounts and other personal information or property.
10.3 It is the common responsibility of you and Tencent to maintain software security and normal use. Tencent will reasonably and prudently take necessary technical measures to protect information and data security of your terminal device in accordance with industry standards, but you acknowledge and agree that Tencent cannot therefore provide a complete guarantee.
10.4 You should not believe in money borrowing, request for passwords or other network information relating to property in any case. Please make sure to verify the identity of the person involved with respect to any operation related to property. In addition, please always pay attention to Tencent’s tips for preventing fraudulent crimes.
11.1 The Software may use third-party software or technology (including the open source code and public domain code that may be used for the Software), and such use has been legally authorized.
11.2 If any third-party software or technology is adopted for the Software, Tencent will demonstrate relevant agreements or other documents in accordance with relevant laws and regulations through annexes of this Agreement, a package in a specific folder of the installation package of the Software, or open source software (https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?uin=&t=open_info_collect) pages and other forms, which may be expressed as "Software License Agreement", "License Agreement", "Open Source License" or other forms. The foregoing agreements, other documents and web pages presented through various forms are an integral part of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as this Agreement. You shall comply with all these requirements. If you fail to do so, such third party or competent state authority may file a lawsuit, impose fines or take other sanctions against you, and require Tencent to provide assistance. You shall be solely liable for relevant legal responsibilities .
11.3 Any third party shall be liable for resolving any dispute arising from the use of any third-party’s software or technology for the Software, which is irrelevant to Tencent. Tencent does not provide customer service support for any third-party software or technology. If you need any support, please contact the third party.
12.1 Your use of the Software shall be deemed that you have read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement. Tencent reserves the right to modify the terms of this Agreement when necessary. You can check the terms of the Agreement in the latest version of this Software. If you continue to use the Software upon any change to the terms of this Agreement, you shall be deemed to have accepted the amended Agreement. If you do not accept the modified Agreement, you should stop using the Software.
12.2 This Agreement is signed in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China.
12.3 The formation, entry into force, performance, interpretation and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland of the People's Republic of China, without regard to the principles of conflict of laws.
12.4 If any dispute arises between you and Tencent, the dispute shall be first resolved by negotiation; where the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction at the signing place of this Agreement.
12.5 The headings of all the terms of this Agreement are for convenience only and do not have any actual meaning. They shall not be taken as a basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.
12.6 This Agreement may be drafted and concluded in different languages, including Chinese, English and others. In case of any inconsistency and discrepancy between the Chinese version and any version of other language, the Chinese version shall prevail.
12.7 Where any provision of this Agreement becomes invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remaining terms shall remain in force and binding on both parties.