更新日期:2018年12月20 日
生效日期:2018年12月20 日
• 为了向你提供游戏娱乐以及与此相关的玩家互动、消费等服务,我们需要收集你的游戏历史、设备信息、登录日志等信息。
• 为更好地保护未成年人身心健康,促使未成年人健康上网,我们可能在国家有关网络游戏防沉迷政策规定的基础上,实施更为严格的防沉迷措施。同时我们也不断研究与测试各种保护未成年人的新技术。如为了进一步提高实名认证的精准度,最大限度防止未成年人冒用他人身份信息,我们可能在部分游戏或针对部分用户(以具体游戏策略为准)启用人脸识别验证。
• 你可以根据本指引所述管理你的个人信息以及相关授权。
• 我们采用多方位的安全保护措施,以确保对你的个人信息保护处于合理的安全水平。
1.1 当你注册或使用腾讯游戏服务时,我们会收集你的网络身份标识信息及个人常用设备信息,用于标记你为腾讯游戏的用户。如果你使用微信或QQ关联登录腾讯游戏,我们会收集你微信或QQ的唯一标识、头像、昵称,用于保存你的登录信息,以便你在不同设备登录。
1.2 为满足相关法律法规政策及相关主管部门的要求,腾讯游戏用户需进行实名认证以继续使用和享受腾讯游戏。我们会在获得你同意或你主动提供的情况下收集你的实名身份信息,拒绝提供实名身份信息可能会导致你无法登陆腾讯游戏或在使用腾讯游戏过程中受到相应限制。
1.3 为保障你正常使用我们的服务,维护游戏基础功能的正常运行,优化游戏产品性能,提升你的游戏体验并保障你的账号安全,我们会收集你的设备ID、设备名称、设备类型和版本、系统版本、IP地址、MAC地址、应用ID、网络类型等信息。
1.4 当你使用腾讯游戏服务时,我们会收集你的游戏日志信息,例如登录日志、物品日志、游戏对局信息等,以便你能够在客户端查看你的游戏历史记录,同时用于游戏运营统计分析、客服投诉处理及其他游戏安全分析。
1.5 当你使用腾讯游戏产品的消费功能时,我们会收集你的充值记录、消费记录等信息,以便你查询你的交易记录,同时尽最大程度保护你的虚拟物品安全。收集上述信息为实现腾讯游戏产品的消费功能所必须,否则将无法完成交易。
1.6 为保障你的游戏账号安全,营造公平、健康及安全的游戏环境,我们会收集你的游戏识别信息、硬件及操作系统信息、进程及游戏崩溃记录等信息,以用于打击破坏游戏公平环境或干扰、破坏游戏服务正常进行的行为(如用于检测盗版、扫描外挂、防止作弊等)。
1.7 当你在游戏中通过文字、图片、语音、视频及其他方式与其他玩家进行互动,我们可能会收集并保存你发送的上述信息内容用于过滤色情、暴力、政治、辱骂、恶意广告等不当内容,以此净化游戏环境,维护健康的上网环境。
1.8 如你希望通过语音、视频与其他游戏玩家互动、参与直播,在你授权同意后,游戏会访问你的麦克风、摄像头,为你提供语音聊天、直播互动等功能。
1.9 如你希望与附近的游戏玩家互动,在你授权同意后,我们会收集你的地理位置信息,用于寻找附近的游戏玩家,以便你与附近的玩家匹配、组队等。地理位置信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息只会导致你无法实现与附近的游戏玩家互动,但不影响你正常使用腾讯游戏的其他功能,你也可以随时取消你的地理位置信息授权。
1.10 我们启用了适度游戏的提醒功能,如你使用可穿戴设备,我们会在征得你同意后收集你的游戏在线心跳等信息,以在你过度游戏时发出系统提醒。
1.11 根据相关法律法规及国家标准,以下情形中,我们可能会收集、使用你的相关个人信息无需征求你的授权同意:
1) 与国家安全、国防安全等国家利益直接相关的;与公共安全、公共卫生、公共知情等重大公共利益直接相关的;
2) 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;
3) 出于维护你或其他个人的生命、财产、声誉等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;
4) 所收集的个人信息是你自行向社会公众公开的;
5) 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;
6) 根据你要求签订和履行合同所必需的;
7) 用于维护所提供的产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品或服务的故障;
8) 为开展合法的新闻报道所必需的;
9) 出于公共利益开展统计或学术研究所必要,且其对外提供学术研究或描述的结果时,对结果中所包含的个人信息进行去标识化处理的;
10) 法律法规规定的其他情形。
1.12 请你理解,我们向你提供的功能和服务是不断更新和发展的,如果某一功能或服务未在前述说明中且收集了你的信息,我们会通过页面提示、交互流程、网站公告等方式另行向你说明信息收集的内容、范围和目的,以征得你的同意。
2.1 信息存储的方式和期限
2.2 信息存储的地域
2.3 产品或服务停止运营时的通知
3.1 安全保护措施
3.2 安全事件处置措施
4.1 信息使用规则
1) 我们会根据我们收集的信息向你提供各项功能与服务,包括基础游戏功能、玩家互动功能、直播功能、消费功能等;
2) 我们会根据你的游戏等级、偏好、习惯、消费等特征为你提供个性化服务,包括基于特征标签进行间接人群画像并向你推荐你可能感兴趣的活动、比赛、促销等推广内容。
3) 我们会根据你使用腾讯游戏产品的频率和情况、故障信息、性能信息等分析我们产品的运行情况,以确保服务的安全性,并优化我们的产品,提高我们的服务质量。我们不会将我们存储在分析软件中的信息与你提供的个人身份信息相结合。
4.2 定向推送活动的规则
4.3 告知变动目的后征得同意的方式
1) 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
2) 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
3) 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;
4) 出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;
5) 个人信息主体自行向社会公众公开个人信息的;
6) 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。
另外,我们还建立了腾讯成长守护。腾讯成长守护还可以帮助家长或监护人随时了解孩子的游戏情况,设置消费限额以及每天的游戏时长和时段,协助未成年人的家长或监护人保护未成年人免受不良游戏习惯的伤害。你可以点击这里了解更多有关腾讯游戏防沉迷系统和腾讯成长守护的介绍。同时,我们也建立了未成年人主动服务平台,在疑似未成年人消费后尝试联系其监护人进行提醒、确认与处理,你可以通过未成年教育咨询专线 0755-83761852与我们联系。
当你有其他的投诉、建议、未成年人个人信息相关问题时,请通过http://kf.qq.com/ 与我们联系。你也可以将你的问题发送至Dataprivacy@tencent.com或寄到如下地址:
中国广东省深圳市南山区科技中一路腾讯大厦 法务部 数据及隐私保护中心(收)
Updated on:December 20, 2018
Became effective on:December 20, 2018
Thank you for your choice of Tencent game! In addition to "Tencent Privacy Policy" and "Tencent Game License and Service Agreement", through the Tencent Game Privacy Protection Guidelines ("Guidelines"), we will further elaborate on how we collect, use, store and share your personal information when you are playing Tencent Game, as well as the relevant rights you are entitled to. The Guidelines is part of the “Tencent Game License and Service Agreement”. The highlights are as follows:
• In order to provide you with game entertainment and to support the related player interaction, consumption and other services, we need to collect information such as your game history, device information, login data and others.
• In order to better protect both the physical and the mental health of minors and facilitate a healthy access to the internet by minors, we may implement more stringent anti-addiction measures in addition to the national regulations on anti-addiction policies of online games. At the same time, we have been constantly developing and testing various new technologies to better protect the minors. For instance, in order to further improve the accuracy of real-name verification and to try best to prevent minors from using the identity of others, we may enable face-recognition verifications in some games or for some users (subject to specific game strategies).
The above-mentioned face-recognition verification mainly compares the user's real face information with the data sourced from the authoritative data platform of the police department. If the comparison results match, the verification is successfully passed, and a proper game time limit would be designated according to the actual category of the user’s age. If the comparison results do not match or the user refuses to go through the verification process, we will deem the user as a minor under 12 years old and enforce the corresponding anti-addiction supervision. The relevant verification data of face-recognition, upon encryption, is only used for comparison with the data from the authoritative data platform of the police department and will not be stored by us.
• You can manage your personal information and the relevant authorizations according to the provisions of this Guideline.
• We adopt a wide range of security measures to ensure that your personal information is protected under a reasonably safe manner.
By reading the full version of “Tencent Game Privacy Protection Guidelines”, you may learn more about the processing rules of personal information such as the correspondence between the types and the uses of personal information.
1.Information we collect
2.Storage of information
3.Information security
4.How we use the information
5.Sharing of information
6.Your rights
8.Protection of minors
10.Contact us
While you are using Tencent Game Service, Tencent Game will collect through the following ways the information that you voluntarily provide when using the service or the information generated by your use of the service, in order provide the service to you, to optimize our services and to ensure your account in safe security:
1.1 When you register or use Tencent Game Service, we will collect the information of your network identity and the personal device that you frequently use, in order to mark you as our users. If you use a WeChat or QQ account to log into Tencent Game, we will collect your unique ID, avatar and user name of the WeChat or QQ account to store your login information so that you can login on different devices.
In order to provide you with better services and improve your game experiences, Tencent may use your information such as nicknames and avatars of your QQ account, WeChat account or game account, and the related operation information, game information and other information in Tencent Game (hereinafter referred to as "Such Information”, including but not limited to, your log-in status, battle information/status, achievement information, etc.) and Tencent may present Such Information to you or other users or your friends. Depending on the specific situations of a game product, we may provide you with the relevant permissions enabling you to adjust the settings as to whether or not to display Such Information.
1.2 In order to comply with the relevant laws, regulations and policies and the requirements of competent authorities, Tencent Game users need to complete the real-name verification before using and enjoying Tencent Game. Upon your consent or by your voluntary provision, we will collect your real-name ID information. Your refusal to provide your real-name ID information may result in a failure to log into Tencent Game or the corresponding restrictions to your use of Tencent Game.
1.3 n order to ensure your use of our service under normal conditions , to maintain the normal operation of basic functions of the game, to optimize the performance of the game product, to improve your gaming experience and protect the security of your game account, we will collect the information such as your device ID as well as the name, type and version of your device, the version of the system, IP address, MAC address, application ID, network type and other information.
1.4 When you use Tencent Game Service, we will collect your game log information, such as log-in data, item logs, game battle information, etc., so that you can view the records of your game history on your terminal and we can use the above information for analyzing game operation statistics, handling customer service complaints and other game security analyses.
1.5 When you use the consumption function of Tencent Game products, we will collect your recharge history, purchase records and other information, so that you can check your transaction records , and at the same time to protect your virtual items to the greatest extent possible. It is necessary to collect the above information in order to enable the consumption function of Tencent Game products, otherwise the transaction could not be completed.
1.6 To protect the security of your game account and to create a fair, healthy and safe gaming environment, we will collect information such as your game identity information, hardware and operating system information, processes and breakdown records and other information, for the purposes of fighting against the behaviors that destroy the fair gaming environment or that interfere and disrupt normal game services (such as detecting counterfeits, scanning plug-ins, preventing cheating, etc.).
1.7 When you interact with other players through text, images, voice, video and other means in the game, we may collect and store the above information sent by you, for the purpose of filtering out pornographic, violent, political and abusive contents, malicious advertisements and other contents to purify the game environment and maintain a healthy Internet environment.
1.8 If you wish to interact with other game players through voice and video, and to participate in live broadcasting, upon your authorization, Tencent Game will access your microphone and camera to accommodate you with voice chatting, interaction during live broadcasting and other functions.
1.9 If you wish to interact with nearby game players, upon your authorization we will collect the information of your geographic location to search for nearby game players, so that you can match with them or team up with them, etc. Geographic location information is a type of sensitive information. Your refusal to provide this information will only result in your incapability to interact with nearby game players, and will not affect your normal use of other functions provided by Tencent Games. You can also withdraw your authorization for the geographic location information at any time.
1.10 We have enabled a reminder function for moderate time length of playing games. If you use a wearable device, we will, with your consent, collect information such as your heartbeat when you are playing the game, so as to issue a system reminder when you have spent excessive time on the game.
1.11 In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your personal information in the following situations without obtaining your authorization:
1) where it is directly related to national interests such as national security and national defense security; and directly related to major public interests such as public security, public health, and public knowledge;
2) where it is directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and enforcement of judgments, etc.;
3) where it is for protecting the fundamental legal rights of you or other individuals, such as life, property and reputation, but it is also difficult to obtain consent from you or the related individual;
4) where those personal information we collected is disclosed to the public by yourself;
5) where those personal information is collected through legitimate and public channels, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, etc.;
6) where it is necessary to sign and perform the contract according to your requests;
7) where it is necessary to maintain a safe and stable operation of the products or services provided by us, such as the discovering and treating of the malfunctions of such product or service;
8) where it is necessary for legitimate news reporting;
9) where it is necessary to conduct statistical or academic research for public interests; and when externally providing the results of academic research or description, applying de-identification method to the personal information contained in the results; or
10) other circumstances as stipulated by the laws and regulations.
1.12 Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed. If a certain function or service is not included in the above descriptions herein but your information is collected therethrough, we will explain to you the content, scope and purpose of such collection through prompts, interaction process, website announcement and other ways in order to obtain your consent.
At present, aside from collecting game research information from third-party research organizations to help us upgrade our game products and provide personalized services, we do not take the initiative to obtain your personal information from any third party outside of Tencent Group. In the future, if Tencent needs to obtain your personal information indirectly from a third party outside of Tencent Group, we will expressly inform you the source, type and scope of use of your personal information prior to our obtaining of it. If the activities of processing personal information carried out by Tencent Game for the need of operating its businesses exceed the original scope of your authorization to the third party outside of Tencent Group when you provide your personal information, we will obtain your express consent before any further process of your personal information. In addition, we will strictly comply with the relevant laws and regulations and require the said third party to guarantee the legality of the information it provides.
2.1 Manner and Term of Storing Information
We will store your information in a secure manner, including storing it locally (such as data caching via APP), using database and server logs.
In general, we will only store your information for a necessary period for achieving the purpose of providing our services or as required by laws and regulations.
2.2 Territory of Storing Information
Personal information collected within China would be stored within China pursuant to the laws and regulations.
2.3 Termination Notice of the Product or Service
In the event the operation of a product or service is terminated, we will make an announcement in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and will protect your legitimate rights and interests.
3.1 Security Measurements
We strive to protect information security of the users to avoid any information leakage, loss, improper usage, unauthorized access and disclosure, etc. We employ multiple security measures, including technical protection solutions, management system controlling, security system guarantee and others to make sure the user’s personal information is protected in a reasonably secured manner. In addition, the relevant system of our games has passed the examination and made a recordation at the national network security level protection (Level 3).
We adopt leading technical protection measures in the industry. The measures we take include but not limited to firewall, encryption (such as SSL), de-identification or anonymization, access controlling, etc. Further, we will constantly strengthen the security capacity of the software installed in your devices. For example, we will implement part of the encryption work in your devices locally to consolidate a secured transmission; we will collect the information of the applications installed in your devices and its processing information during operation to avoid malicious programs such as virus and Trojan.
We have established special management regulations, procedures and organizations to safeguard the security of the personal information we collected. For example, we will apply strict limitation on the scope of people authorized to access the information, requiring them to obey confidential obligations and conducting audits. Those who violates such obligations will be punished in accordance with the regulations. We will also review the management regulations, procedures and organizations to prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure of the users’ information by those people that are without authorization.
We suggest you give full attention to the protection of personal information when using the products and services, and we will also provide multiple security methods to assist you to protect the security of your personal information.
3.2 Dealing with Security Incident
If any security incident such as the leak of personal information occurs, we will initiate the emergency plan to prevent it from expanding. Upon the occurrence of such incident, we will inform you the basic situation of the security incident, the treatment measures and remedies we will take or have taken as well as our advices for you, via announcements, push notifications or emails, etc. If it is difficult to inform every user, we will issue the warning through public announcements.
We will strictly obey the laws, regulations and the agreement with our users, and we will make use of the collected information in accordance with the Guidelines, "Tencent Game License and Service Agreement" and "Tencent Privacy Policyso as to provide you with better service.
4.1 Rules for Using Information
We will use the collected information in accordance with the following rules:
1) based on the information we collected, we will provide you with multiple functions and services, including the general gaming functions, interactive functions between players, live broadcasting functions as well as consumption functions;
2) we will provide you with personalized service based on your features such as game level, preference, habits and consumption, etc., including creating indirect crowd portraits based on your feature tags and recommending to you some “may-be-interested” contents such as activities, competition, promotion, etc.;
3) we will analyze the operation of our products based on the frequency and situations of your use of Tencent Game, malfunction information and performance information, etc., so as to ensure a safe provision of our services, and to optimize our products and improve the quality of our services. We will not combine your personal information with the information we stored in the analysis software.
4.2 Rules for Directed Promotions
We will send out personalized promoting contents based on your features such as your game level, preference, habits and consumption, etc., for example, recommending you the skin you might like in a game. Depending on the specific situations of the game product, we will provide you with relevant permissions enabling you to reduce the relevance between you and the recommended contents or quit such personalized promotions.
4.3 The Way to Seek Consent after Informing the Purpose of Changing
We will use the collected information within the scope included in the Guidelines. If we use your personal information beyond the scope of purpose we claimed when collecting those information or a direct or reasonably relevant scope, we will again inform you and seek your express consent before using your personal information.
Currently, except for the conditions provided in the Guidelines, “Tencent Game License and Service Agreement” and “Tencent Privacy Policy, we will not actively share, provide or transfer your personal information to any other third party outside of Tencent Group. In the event we share, provide or transfer your personal information or you need us to share, provide or transfer your personal information to a third party outside of Tencent Group, we will directly ask for your express approval or confirm that the third party has obtained your express approval.
Notwithstanding the above paragraph, if the developer of the Tencent Game you use is an overseas entity, we might provide your records or log information (such as log-in logs, item logs, etc.) generated in the game to the overseas game developers for the purpose of conducting game operation statistics and analysis, handling the complaint about customer service and other game security analysis to help developers improve game services and further optimize users’ experience in game. In addition, we will try to contact the guardian after a person that is suspected to be a minor has made consumption, and inform the guardian of the consumption records and other information to remind the guardian to confirm and handle this issue.
Except as otherwise provided in the Guidelines, “Tencent Game License and Service Agreement” and “Tencent Privacy Policy”, we will not publicly disclose the information we collect. If a disclosure is necessary, we will inform you about the purpose of the disclosure, the type of the disclosed information and the sensitive information that may be involved, and we will also obtain your express approval.
As our business continuously develops, we are likely to conduct transactions such as mergers, acquisitions and asset transfers, etc. We will inform you of the information and continue or require the new controllers to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations and the standards no lower than the requirements of the Guidelines.
In addition, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may share, transfer, or publicly disclose personal information without your prior authorization and approval in the following situations:
1) where it is directly related to the national security and national defense security;
2) where it is directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;
3) where it is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement of judgments;
4) where it is for protecting the material legal rights and interests such as life, property and others of the personal information holder or other individuals but it is also difficult to obtain consent from the involved person;
5) where the personal information holder publicly discloses personal information by himself/herself; or
6) where those personal information is collected through legitimate and publicly channels, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, etc.
During the time you use Tencent Game Service, we may provide you with the corresponding operation settings based on the specific situation of the game products, so that you can search, delete, change or withdraw your relevant personal information. You can refer to the specific instructions of the corresponding game products to guide your operation. In addition, we have set up the channel to receive complaints and reports, and your opinion will be dealt with in a timely manner.
We may amend the Guidelines as appropriate. When the provisions of the Guidelines have been amended, we will inform you of the amended Guidelines in a proper way at the time of version update. Please read the amended Guidelines or the content carefully. Your continuous use of Tencent Game would be deemed as your approval for us to collect, deal with or use your personal information in accordance with the updated Guidelines.
We attach great importance to the protection of minors’ personal information, and we will keep exploring new ways to protect minors’ personal information.
We will protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors by initiating anti-addiction system in accordance with national regulations on online game anti-addiction policies. We will make a judgment on whether the identity information of an account belongs to a minor via the identification result of information such as real-name identity, based on which we decide whether the account shall be included in the anti-addiction system. In addition, we will collect information such as your login time, length of playing games, etc., and guide the minors to play games rationally through ways such as automatically intervening and limiting the game duration of the minors in our system, enabling the function of mandatorily exiting the game, etc. When the consumption is conducted by a person suspected to be a minor, we will then try to contact his or her guardian for reminders, confirmations and deposition, so as to maintain a healthy Internet environment for the minors.
At the same time, in order to better protect both the physical and mental health of minors and facilitate a healthy access to the Internet for them, we may employ stricter anti-addiction measures on the basis of national anti-addiction policies related to online games. Further, we will keep focusing on conducting researches and tests various technologies to protect the minors. For example, in order to further improve the accuracy of real-name verification on identities and to try best to prevent minors from using the identity of others, we may enable face-recognition verifications in some games or for some users (subject to specific game strategies).
The above-mentioned face-recognition verification mainly compares the user's real face information with the data sourced from the authoritative data platform of the police department. If the comparison results match, the verification is successfully passed, and a proper game time limit would be designated according to the actual category of the user’s age. If the comparison results do not match or the user refuses to go through the verification process, we will deem the user as a minor under 12 years old and enforce the corresponding anti-addiction supervision. The relevant verification data of face recognition, upon encryption, is only used for comparison with the data from the authoritative data platform of the police department and will not be stored by us.
In addition, we have also established a platform for child growth and guardian. The platform can help parents or guardians keep track of their children's gaming activities, set up consumption limits and the limits for the time of playing games each day to assist parents or guardians of minors to protect minors from unhealthy game habits. You can click here to learn more about the introduction of Tencent Game’s anti-addiction system and the Platform for Child Growth and Guardian. At the same time, we have also established an active service platform for the minors. When the consumption is conducted by a person suspected to be a minor, we will then try to contact his or her guardian for reminders, confirmations and deposition. You can contact us through the minor education advisory hotline 0755-83761852.
If you are the legal guardian of a minor, please pay attention to whether the minor uses Tencent Game Service or provides his or her personal information after obtaining your authorization and approval. If you have questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardian, please contact us through the contact details provided in Section 10 herein.
“Tencent Privacy Policy”is a general privacy policy uniformly applied by Tencent. The contents specified in it, including but not limited to user rights and information security measures, etc., are all applicable to the users of Tencent game. If there is any inconsistency or contradiction between Tencent Privacy Policy and the Guidelines, the Guidelines shall prevail.
In case of any discrepancy or dispute between the Chinese version and the English version of the Guidelines, the Chinese version shall prevail. You may find the Chinese version via: http://jiazhang.qq.com/zk/smallPrivacy.html?lang=zh_CN
When you have other complaints, suggestions, or questions regarding personal information of minors, please contact us via:http://kf.qq.com/ . You can also send your questions to Dataprivacy@tencent.com or mail to the following address:
Data and Privacy Center, Legal Department, Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P. R. China
Zip Code: 518057
We will review the relevant questions as soon as possible, and will respond within 30 days upon verifying your user identity.