1.1 本协议:指本协议正文、《腾讯服务协议》、《QQ号码规则》、《腾讯微信软件许可及服务协议》、《腾讯游戏隐私保护指引》、游戏规则及其修订版本。上述内容一经正式发布,即为本协议不可分割的组成部分。本协议同时还包括文化部根据《网络游戏管理暂行办法》(文化部令第49号)制定的《网络游戏服务格式化协议必备条款》。
1.2 游戏规则:指腾讯游戏服务提供方不时发布并修订的关于腾讯游戏的用户守则、玩家条例、游戏公告、提示及通知等内容。
1.3 腾讯游戏服务提供方:指向你提供腾讯游戏及其服务的深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司,在本协议中简称为“腾讯”。
1.4 腾讯游戏:指由腾讯负责运营的游戏的统称,包括计算机客户端游戏、网页游戏、HTML5游戏(H5游戏)、移动终端游戏、电视端游戏以及其他形式的游戏;腾讯游戏可能以软件形式提供,这种情况下,腾讯游戏还包括该相关软件及相关文档。
1.5 腾讯游戏服务:指腾讯向你提供的与游戏相关的各项在线运营服务。
1.6 你:又称“玩家”或“用户”,指被授权使用腾讯游戏及其服务的自然人。
1.7 游戏数据:指你在使用腾讯游戏过程中产生的被服务器记录的各种数据,包括但不限于角色数据、虚拟物品数据、行为日志、购买日志等等数据。
2.1 你如果需要使用和享受腾讯游戏,则你需要将你享有使用权的QQ账号或微信账号作为游戏账号,并按照文化部《网络游戏管理暂行办法》及《网络游戏服务格式化协议必备条款》的相关要求,登录实名注册系统并进行实名注册。你对该QQ号码和微信账号的申请、使用等行为应符合腾讯不时修订并公布的《腾讯服务协议》、《QQ号码规则》和《腾讯微信软件许可及服务协议》的规范。
2.2 你进一步知悉并同意,你在游客模式下可能无法进行游戏充值或消费。且一旦你卸载或重装腾讯游戏,或你更换手机、电脑等终端设备或该等终端设备损坏的,你在该游客模式下所有游戏相关数据可能都将会被清空,且无法查询和恢复。如因此造成你任何损失的,均由你自行承担。
2.3 你充分理解并同意:为判断或核实你提供的相关实名注册信息是否真实或有效,腾讯有权将你提供的实名注册信息提供给第三方进行整理、保存及比对等处理。且腾讯会按照国家相关要求将你的实名注册信息运用于防沉迷系统之中,即腾讯可能会根据你的实名注册信息判断你是否年满18周岁、你提交的实名身份信息是否规范或实名验证是否通过等,从而决定是否对你的游戏账号予以防沉迷限制。
2.4 你充分理解并同意,腾讯有权审查用户注册所提供的身份信息是否真实、有效,并应积极地采取技术与管理等合理措施保障用户账号的安全、有效;用户有义务妥善保管其账号及密码,并正确、安全地使用其账号及密码。任何一方未尽上述义务导致账号密码遗失、账号被盗等情形而给用户和他人的民事权利造成损害的,应当承担由此产生的法律责任。
2.5 你充分理解并同意,为高效利用服务器资源,如果你3年内未使用游戏账号登录腾讯游戏,腾讯有权在提前通知的情况下,对该账号及其账号下的游戏数据及相关信息采取删除等处置措施。
2.6 你理解并同意,你不得将游戏账号以任何方式提供给他人使用,包括但不限于不得以转让、出租、借用等方式提供给他人作包括但不限于直播、录制、代打代练等商业性使用。否则,因此产生任何法律后果及责任均由你自行承担,且腾讯有权对你的游戏账号采取包括但不限于警告、限制或禁止使用游戏账号全部或部分功能、删除游戏账号及游戏数据及其他相关信息、封号直至注销的处理措施,因此造成的一切后果由你自行承担。
3.1 你同意并授权腾讯为履行本协议之目的收集你的用户信息,这些信息包括你在实名注册系统中注册的信息、你游戏账号下的游戏数据以及其他你在使用腾讯游戏服务的过程中向腾讯提供或腾讯基于安全、用户体验优化等考虑而需收集的信息,腾讯对你的用户信息的收集将遵循本协议及相关法律的规定。
3.2 你充分理解并同意:腾讯或其合作的第三方可以根据你的用户信息,通过短信、电话、邮件等各种方式向你提供关于腾讯游戏的活动信息、推广信息等各类信息。
3.3 你理解并同意:为了更好地向你提供游戏服务,改善游戏体验,腾讯可对你QQ账号、微信账号或游戏账号中的昵称、头像以及在腾讯游戏中的相关操作信息、游戏信息等信息(以下称“该等信息”。该等信息具体包括但不限于你的登录状态、对战信息/状态、成就信息等)进行使用,并可向你本人或其他用户或好友展示该等信息。
3.4 你应对通过腾讯游戏及相关服务了解、接收或可接触到的包括但不限于其他用户在内的任何人的个人信息予以充分尊重,你不应以搜集、复制、存储、传播或以其他任何方式使用其他用户的个人信息,否则,由此产生的后果由你自行承担。
3.5 保护用户信息及隐私是腾讯的一项基本原则。除本协议另有规定外,腾讯游戏服务对用户信息收集、使用及保护等将遵循腾讯游戏隐私保护指引。
4.1 在你遵守本协议及相关法律法规的前提下,腾讯给予你一项个人的、不可转让及非排他性的许可,以使用腾讯游戏服务。你仅可为非商业目的使用腾讯游戏服务,包括:
4.2 你在使用腾讯游戏服务过程中不得未经腾讯许可以任何方式录制、直播或向他人传播腾讯游戏内容,包括但不限于不得利用任何第三方软件进行网络直播、传播等。
4.3 在腾讯游戏以软件形式提供的情况下,你在使用腾讯游戏及腾讯游戏服务时还应符合本协议第五条关于软件许可的规定。
4.4 本条及本协议其他条款未明示授权的其他一切权利仍由腾讯保留,你在行使这些权利时须另外取得腾讯的书面许可。
4.5 如果你违反本协议任何约定的,腾讯有权采取本协议第6.5条第二款规定的一种或多种处理措施,并可公布处理结果,且(/或)有权要求你赔偿因你违约行为而给腾讯造成的所有损失。
4.6 你充分理解并同意,腾讯有权依合理判断对违反有关法律法规或本协议规定的行为进行处理,对违法违规的任何用户采取适当的法律行动,并依据法律法规保存有关信息向有关部门报告等,用户应独自承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。
4.7 你充分理解并同意,因你违反本协议或相关服务条款的规定,导致或产生第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,你应当独立承担责任;腾讯因此遭受损失的,你也应当一并赔偿。
4.8 你充分理解并同意:游戏道具、游戏装备、游戏币等是腾讯游戏服务的一部分,腾讯在此许可你依本协议而获得其使用权。你购买、使用游戏道具、游戏装备、游戏币等应遵循本协议、游戏具体规则的要求;同时,游戏道具、游戏装备、游戏币等可能受到一定有效期限的限制,即使你在规定的有效期内未使用,除不可抗力或可归责于腾讯的原因外,一旦有效期届满,将会自动失效。
4.9 你充分理解并同意:为保障你游戏账号安全,为营造公平、健康及安全的游戏环境,在你使用腾讯游戏服务的过程中,在不违反相关法律规定情况下,腾讯可以通过技术手段了解你终端设备的随机存储内存以及与腾讯游戏同时运行的相关程序。一经发现有任何未经授权的、危害腾讯游戏服务正常运营的相关程序,腾讯可以收集所有与此有关的信息并采取合理措施予以打击。
4.10 你充分理解并同意:为了保证你及其他用户的游戏体验,腾讯有权转移或者清除腾讯游戏服务器上存储的一些过往的游戏数据。
4.11 腾讯将按照相关法律法规和本协议的规定,采取切实有效的措施保护未成年人在使用腾讯游戏服务过程中的合法权益,包括可能采取技术措施、禁止未成年人接触不适宜的游戏或者游戏功能、限制未成年人的游戏时间、预防未成年人沉迷网络。作为游戏规则的一部分,腾讯还将在适当位置发布腾讯游戏用户指引和警示说明,包括游戏内容介绍、正确使用游戏的方法以及防止危害发生的方法。所有未成年人用户都应在法定监护人的指导下仔细阅读并遵照执行这些指引和说明;其他玩家在使用腾讯游戏服务的过程中应避免发布、产生任何有损未成年人身心健康的内容,共同营造健康游戏环境。
4.12 你知悉并同意,出现以下情形之一的,腾讯有权将你的游戏账号纳入相应的防沉迷系统,采取相应的防沉迷措施:
4.13 腾讯向用户提供游戏服务本身属于商业行为,用户有权自主决定是否根据腾讯自行确定的收费项目(包括但不限于购买游戏内的虚拟道具的使用权以及接受其他增值服务等各类收费项目)及收费标准支付相应的费用,以获得相应的游戏服务。如你不按相应标准支付相应费用的,你将无法获得相应的游戏服务。
4.14 在任何情况下,腾讯不对因不可抗力导致的你在使用腾讯游戏服务过程中遭受的损失承担责任。该等不可抗力事件包括但不限于国家法律、法规、政策及国家机关的命令及其他政府行为或者其它的诸如地震、水灾、雪灾、火灾、海啸、台风、罢工、战争等不可预测、不可避免且不可克服的事件。
4.15 腾讯游戏可能因游戏软件BUG、版本更新缺陷、第三方病毒攻击或其他任何因素导致你的游戏角色、游戏道具、游戏装备及游戏币等账号数据发生异常。在数据异常的原因未得到查明前,腾讯有权暂时冻结该游戏账号;若查明数据异常为非正常游戏行为所致,腾讯有权恢复游戏账号数据至异常发生前的原始状态(包括向第三方追回被转移数据),且腾讯无须向你承担任何责任。
4.16 腾讯未授权你从任何第三方通过购买、接受赠与或者其他的方式获得游戏账号、游戏道具、游戏装备、游戏币等,腾讯不对第三方交易的行为负责,并且不受理因任何第三方交易发生纠纷而带来的申诉。
4.17 你充分理解到:不同操作系统之间存在不互通的客观情况,该客观情况并非腾讯造成,由此可能导致你在某一操作系统中的充值和游戏数据不能顺利转移到另一操作系统中。由于你在不同系统进行切换造成的充值损失和游戏数据丢失风险应由你自行承担,腾讯对此不承担任何责任。
4.18 你充分理解到:腾讯游戏中可能会设置强制对战区域或玩法,如果你不同意强制对战,请你不要进入该游戏或游戏区域;你的进入,将被视为同意该玩法并接受相应后果。
4.19 腾讯自行决定终止运营腾讯游戏时或腾讯游戏因其他任何原因终止运营时,腾讯会按照文化部有关网络游戏终止运营的相关规定处理游戏终止运营相关事宜,以保障用户合法权益。
5.1 使用腾讯游戏服务可能需要下载并安装相关软件,你可以直接从腾讯的相关网站上获取该软件,也可以从得到腾讯授权的第三方获取。如果你从未经腾讯授权的第三方获取腾讯游戏或与腾讯游戏名称相同的游戏,将视为你未获得腾讯授权,腾讯无法保证该游戏能够正常使用,并对因此给你造成的损失不予负责。
5.2 腾讯可能为不同的终端设备或操作系统开发了不同的软件版本,包括但不限于windows、ios、android、windows phone、symbian、blackberry等多个应用版本,你应当根据实际情况选择下载合适的版本进行安装,下载安装程序后,你需要按照该程序提示的步骤正确安装。
5.3 若腾讯游戏以软件形式提供,腾讯给予你一项个人的、不可转让及非排他性的许可。你仅可为非商业目的在单一台终端设备上下载、安装、登录、使用该腾讯游戏。
5.4 为提供更加优质、安全的服务,在软件安装时腾讯可能推荐你安装其他软件,你可以选择安装或不安装。
5.5 如果你不再需要使用该软件或者需要安装新版,可以自行卸载。如果你愿意帮助腾讯改进产品服务,请告知卸载的原因。
5.6 为了保证腾讯游戏服务的安全性和功能的一致性,腾讯有权对软件进行更新,或者对软件的部分功能效果进行改变或限制。
5.7 软件新版本发布后,旧版本的软件可能无法使用。腾讯不保证旧版本软件继续可用及相应的客户服务,请你随时核对并下载最新版本。
6.1 你充分了解并同意,你必须为自己游戏账号下的一切行为负责,包括你所发表的任何内容以及由此产生的任何后果。
6.2 你除了可以按照本协议的约定使用腾讯游戏服务之外,不得进行任何侵犯腾讯游戏的知识产权的行为,或者进行其他的有损于腾讯或其他第三方合法权益的行为。
6.3 你在使用腾讯游戏或腾讯游戏服务时须遵守法律法规,不得利用腾讯游戏或腾讯游戏服务从事违法违规行为,包括但不限于以下行为:
6.4 除非法律允许或腾讯书面许可,你不得从事下列行为:
6.5 你在使用腾讯游戏服务过程中如有以下任何行为(以下也称“违法违规行为”)之一的,腾讯有权视情节严重程度,依据本协议及相关游戏规则的规定,对你采取本条第二款规定的一种或多种处理措施,并可公告处理结果:
6.6 你知悉并同意,如腾讯依据本协议对你的游戏账号采取封号处理措施的,具体封号期间由腾讯根据你违规行为情节而定。
7.1 腾讯是腾讯游戏的知识产权权利人。腾讯游戏(包括腾讯游戏整体及腾讯游戏涉及的所有内容、组成部分或构成要素 )的一切著作权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密等知识产权及其他合法权益,以及与腾讯游戏相关的所有信息内容(包括文字、图片、音频、视频、图表、界面设计、版面框架、有关数据或电子文档等)均受中华人民共和国法律法规和相应的国际条约保护,腾讯享有上述知识产权和合法权益,但相关权利人依照法律规定应享有的权利除外。未经腾讯事先书面同意,你不得以任何方式将腾讯游戏(包括腾讯游戏整体及腾讯游戏涉及的所有内容、组成部分或构成要素 )进行商业性使用。
7.2 尽管本协议有其他规定,你在使用腾讯游戏服务中产生的游戏数据的所有权和知识产权归腾讯所有,腾讯有权保存、处置该游戏数据。其中,腾讯对用户购买游戏虚拟货币的购买记录的保存期限将遵守文化部《网络游戏管理暂行办法》有关规定。对其他游戏数据的保存期限由腾讯自行决定,但国家法律法规另有规定的从其规定。
7.3 腾讯游戏可能涉及第三方知识产权,而该等第三方对你基于本协议在腾讯游戏中使用该等知识产权有要求的,腾讯将以适当方式向你告知该要求,你应当一并遵守。
8.1 你在使用腾讯游戏服务过程中应当遵守当地相关的法律法规,并尊重当地的道德和风俗习惯。如果你的行为违反了当地法律法规或道德风俗,你应当为此独立承担责任。
8.2 你应避免因使用腾讯游戏服务而使腾讯卷入政治和公共事件,否则腾讯有权暂停或终止对你的服务。
9.1 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国广东省深圳市南山区。
9.2 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)。
9.3 若你和腾讯之间因本协议发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,你同意将纠纷或争议提交至本协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院管辖。
9.4 本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。
9.5 本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效,其余条款仍有效,对各方具有约束力。
10.1 腾讯有权在必要时变更本协议条款,你可以在腾讯游戏的相关页面查阅最新版本的协议条款。本协议条款变更后,如果你继续使用腾讯游戏服务,即视为你已接受变更后的协议。
10.2 根据国家新闻出版总署关于健康游戏的忠告,腾讯提醒你:抵制不良游戏,拒绝盗版游戏;注意自我保护,谨防受骗上当;适度游戏益脑,沉迷游戏伤身。
This “Tencent Game License and Service Agreement” (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between you and Tencent Game Service Provider, and this Agreement shall have legally binding force. Please carefully read and fully understand each clause of this Agreement, especially the clauses that exclude or exempt the liabilities of Tencent (hereinafter referred to as the “Exemption Clauses”), the clauses that limit the rights of users (hereinafter referred to as the “Limitation Clauses”), the clauses related to dispute resolution and court jurisdiction, and the separate agreements for activating or using certain services. The Exemption Clauses, Limitation Clauses, dispute resolution related clauses and jurisdiction related clauses, including but not limited to Clause 2, Clause 3, Clause 4, Clause 6, Clause 9 and other related clauses of this Agreement, may be provided in bold, with color or in other reasonable forms to draw your attention. Your acceptance of these clauses may cause difficulties, inconvenience or losses to you under certain circumstances, so please make sure to double check the above-mentioned clauses before you accept this Agreement or use Tencent Game Service. Both parties agree that these clauses are legitimate and effective, and they do not constitute any of the clauses proscribed in Article 40 of Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), by which a party “exempts itself from its liabilities, increases the liabilities of the other party, or deprives the material rights of the other party.”
Unless you have read and accepted each and all clauses of this Agreement, you shall not be allowed to use Tencent Game Service. You may contact Tencent’s customer service department if you have any suggestion and comment on this Agreement or Tencent Game Service, and we will provide you with necessary help. It is deemed that you have already read and agreed to sign this Agreement, if you click “Agree”, “Accept” or “Next Step” button, or register and use Tencent Game Service.
If you are under the age of 18, please read this Agreement in company with your legal guardian and pay special attention to the clauses regarding use for minors. If you are the legal guardian of a minor, who wishes to arrange the entertainment time of your child in a reasonable way and help your child to adopt a healthy game habit, you may visit Tencent Game’s Platform for Child Growth and Guardian (https://jiazhang.qq.com/jz/home.html) to acquire relevant information. When using Tencent Game’s Platform for Child Growth and Guardian, you shall comply with the “License and Service Agreement of Platform for Child Growth and Guardian.”
1.1 Agreement, refers to the text of this Agreement, the “Tencent Terms of Service”, the “QQ Number Policy” , the “Tencent WeChat Software License and Service Agreement”, the “Tencent Privacy Policy”(https://privacy.qq.com/) and the Game Rules as well as its amendments. Each of the above-mentioned documents constitutes an inseparable part of this Agreement once being officially published. This Agreement also includes the “Mandatory Terms of Formatted Agreement for Online Game Services” issued by the Ministry of Culture (“MOC”) pursuant to the “Interim Provisions on the Administration of Online Game ” (Decree No. 49th of the MOC).
1.2 Game Rules, refer to Tencent Game’s user codes, player regulations, game announcements, tips, notifications, and other contents, which are issued and updated by Tencent Game Service Provider from time to time.
1.3 Tencent Game Service Provider, refers to Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd., herein referred to as “Tencent” in this Agreement, which provides you with Tencent Game and Tencent Game Service.
1.4 Tencent Game,collectively refers to all the games operated by Tencent, including client-based PC games, web games, HTML5 games (H5 games), mobile games, TV games and other types of games; and Tencent Game may be provided in the form of software, in which case Tencent Game also includes the related software and documents.
1.5 Tencent Game Service,refers to all the online operation services regarding the games provided by Tencent to you.
1.6 You, also referred to as “player(s)” or “user(s)”, refers to any natural person who is authorized to use Tencent Game and Tencent Game Service.
1.7 Game Data, refers to all types of data generated during your use of Tencent Game and recorded by the servers, including but not limited to character data, virtual item data, behavior logs, purchase logs, and other data.
2.1 If you want to use and enjoy Tencent Game, you need to designate a QQ account or a WeChat account that you have the right to use as your game account, and log in the Real-Name Registration System to perform real-name registration in accordance with the requirements of the “Interim Provisions on the Administration of Online Game ” and the “Mandatory Terms of Formatted Agreement for Online Game Services” issued by the MOC. Your application and use of the QQ account and WeChat account shall comply with the “Tencent Terms of Service”, “QQ Number Policy”, and “Tencent WeChat Software License and Service Agreement” issued and updated by Tencent from time to time.
When performing the real-name registration, you shall provide authentic, legitimate, accurate and valid identification information along with other relevant information about yourself, and you shall never use the identity of another person to perform the real-name registration. Otherwise, Tencent will be entitled to terminate your Tencent Game Service and take punitive measures against your game account, including but not limited to issuing warning, restricting or prohibiting the use of all or part of your game account function, deleting game account and Game Data, deleting related information, banning game account (hereinafter referred to as “Account Banning”) and canceling game account (for the convenience of description, the punitive measures hereof are sometimes referred to as “Punishment”). You shall be responsible for all the consequences caused by these measures.
If you fail to register in real-name or provide complete registration information, you may be unable to use Tencent Game or be subject to relevant restrictions during the use of Tencent Game.
2.2 You further acknowledge and agree that you may not be able to recharge for your game account or make purchase when using a guest account. Once you uninstall/re-install Tencent Game or replace your terminal device such as mobile phone or computer, or your terminal device is damaged, all the Game Data generated during your use of a guest account may be deleted and cannot be queried or recovered. You shall be responsible for all your losses arising from these circumstances.
If you use a third-party account recognized by Tencent as the Game Account for Tencent Game, you shall also comply with the agreement and rules regarding the third-party account. You shall contact the third-party to resolve the related problems arising from your use of the third-party account, including but not limited to account theft, and Tencent may provide appropriate assistance to you depending on the circumstances.
2.3 You fully understand and agree that, to judge and verify the authenticity and validity of the information you have provided for the real-name registration, Tencent is entitled to provide your real-name registration information to a third-party for collation, storage and verification. According to the relevant government requirements, Tencent may use your real-name registration information in the anti-addiction system. In other words, Tencent may use the real-name registration information you have provided to verify whether you are under the age of 18, whether your identity information meets the relevant requirements, and whether you have passed the real-name authentication, then Tencent can determine whether to impose the ant-addiction restrictions on your game account.
2.4 You fully understand and agree that, Tencent is entitled to verify the authenticity and validity of the information provided by the user during registration, and take reasonable technical and administrative measures to guarantee the safety and validity of the user’s account. The user is obligated to take care of his/her account and password, and to use the account and password in a safe manner. If any party fails to perform any of the above obligations and thus results in the loss or theft of account and password, the party should be legally responsible for any damage caused to the civil rights of the user or other third-party.
If you find anyone else assumes or steals your game account and password, or uses your game account and password without your authorization, you shall immediately notify Tencent in an effective manner in accordance with Tencent’s request and inform Tencent of the measures need to be taken. When you notify Tencent, you shall provide your valid personal identity information that is consistent with your registered information. Upon receiving your valid request and completing the verification, Tencent will take corresponding measures based upon your request or upon the specific circumstances (including but not limited to suspending the log-in and use of the account, or other measures). You should be responsible for any loss of yourself and other users caused by the measures taken by Tencent following your request. If you do not provide valid identity information or the personal information you have provided is inconsistent with your registered identity information, Tencent is entitled to reject your request, and you should be responsible for any loss caused by such rejection.
2.5 You fully understand and agree that, in order to ensure the effective use of the server resources, if you do not use your game account to log-in Tencent Game in three years, Tencent is entitled to take relevant measures, such as deleting your account along with the Game Data and other information related to the account upon prior notification.
2.6 You fully understand and agree that, you shall not provide your game account to anyone else for use in any manner, including but not limited to assigning, leasing and lending your game account to anyone else for commercial use, including but not limited to live broadcasting, videotaping, surrogate training/ gaming. Otherwise, you shall be responsible for any legal consequences and liabilities caused by your action, and Tencent will be entitled to take punitive measures against your game account, including but not limited to issuing warning, restricting or prohibiting the use of all or part of your game account function, deleting game account along with Game Data and other related information, banning and canceling of game account, while you will be responsible for all the losses caused thereby.
3.1 You agree and authorize Tencent to collect your user information for the purposes of performing this Agreement, including your registration information in the Real-Name Registration System, Game Data of your game account, and other information you have provided during the use of Tencent Game Service and the information collected by Tencent for the sake of information security and user experience optimization, and so forth. Tencent will collect your user information pursuant to this Agreement and relevant laws and regulations.
3.2 You fully understand and agree that, based on your user information, Tencent or third parties in cooperation with Tencent may provide you with various information about Tencent Game’s activities, promotion information and other information through messages, phone calls, emails and other means.
3.3 You fully understand and agree that, in order to provide better game services to you and to improve your gaming experience, Tencent may use the information such as nicknames and avatars in your QQ Account, WeChat Account or Game Account, and related operation information and gaming information in Tencent Game (hereinafter referred to as the “Information”, including but not limited to your log-in status, battle information/status, and achievement information, and so forth) and Tencent may display the Information to yourself, your friends or other users.
3.4 You shall fully respect the personal information of others, including but not limited to, the personal information of other users that you obtain, receive or have access to through Tencent Game and related services. You should not collect, copy, store, propagate, or in any other way use other users’ personal information, otherwise you will be responsible for any consequences arising therefrom.
3.5 Protecting user information and privacy is a basic principle of Tencent. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the collection, use and protection of user information in Tencent Game Service shall comply with relevant privacy policy issued by Tencent (http://jiazhang.qq.com/zk/smallPrivacy.html?lang=en).
4.1 Subject to your compliance with this Agreement and relevant laws and regulations, Tencent hereby grants you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use Tencent Game Service. You shall use Tencent Game Service only for non-commercial purposes, including:
(1) receiving, downloading, installing, starting, upgrading, logging in, displaying, running and/or screenshotting of Tencent Game;
(2) creating a game character, setting online name, viewing Game Rules, user profiles and game battle results, creating a game room, setting game parameters, purchasing or using game items, game equipment, game currency and so forth in Tencent Game, and using chatting function as well as social sharing function; and
(3) using one or several other functions supported and granted by Tencent Game.
4.2 During your use of Tencent Game Service, you shall not record, broadcast or share with others the content of Tencent Game in any way without the permission of Tencent, including but not limited to web-casting and broadcasting Tencent Game through any third-party software.
4.3 In the event that Tencent Game is provided in the form of software, you shall also comply with the provisions of Clause 5 of this Agreement regarding software licenses when using Tencent Game Service.
4.4 All other rights that are not expressly authorized in this clause or other clauses of this Agreement will be reserved by Tencent. You must obtain Tencent’s separate written approval before exercising these rights.
4.5 Upon your breach of this Agreement, Tencent is entitled to take appropriate measures, including but not limited to, deleting relevant content at any time without notice, and, depending on the nature of the violation, taking punitive measures against the violating game account, including but not limited to issuing warning, restricting or prohibiting the use of all or part of the game account function, banning the account, canceling the game account, publishing announcement about the punishment, demanding you to compensate the loss of Tencent due to your violation.
4.6 You fully understand and agree that, Tencent is entitled to reasonably judge the user’s violation of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement, take appropriate legal actions against any illegal and violating user, and store and report the relevant information to the relevant departments in accordance with the laws and regulations and so forth. The user shall be solely responsible for all the legal consequences arising therefrom.
4.7 You fully understand and agree that, you shall be solely responsible for any claims, demands or losses claimed by any third-party resulting from your violation of the provisions of this Agreement or other related terms of service; and you shall indemnify Tencent for any loss arising therefrom, if any.
4.8 You fully understand and agree that, all game items, game equipment, game currency, and so forth are part of Tencent Game Service, and Tencent hereby grants you the right to use them under this Agreement. Your purchase and use of the game items, game equipment, game currency and so forth shall comply with the requirements of this Agreement and the specific rules concerning the game. Also, these game items, game equipment, game currency and so forth may be expired subject to a certain valid period even if you have never used them within the valid period. Except for force majeure or other reasons attributable to Tencent, they will automatically expire upon the end of valid period.
You fully understand and agree that to provide better Tencent Game Service to users, Tencent is entitled to make adjustments, updates or optimization to any content or constituent element of the game (including but not limited to making adjustments, updates or optimization, and so forth of the art design, performance and related numerical settings of your purchased or in-use characters, game equipment and other game items). You agree not to hold Tencent accountable for any legal liability arising from the above-mentioned adjustments, updates or optimization made by Tencent.
4.9 You fully understand and agree that, to protect the security of your game account and create a fair, healthy and safe gaming environment, during your use of Tencent Game Service, subject to the stipulation of relevant laws, Tencent is entitled to have access to the random-access memory (“RAM”) of your terminal device and other relevant programs running in parallel with Tencent Game through technical means. Upon discovery of any unauthorized or harmful program that hinders the normal operation of Tencent Game Service, Tencent is entitled to collect all the relevant information and take reasonable measures against such program.
4.10 You fully understand and agree that, to ensure the gaming experience for you and other users, Tencent is entitled to transfer or clear some obsolete Game Data stored in Tencent’s game server.
4.11 In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and this Agreement, Tencent will take effective measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors during their use of Tencent Game Service, including possible measures to prohibit minors from engaging in inappropriate games or game functions, to limit minors’ gaming time, and to prevent minors from internet addiction. As part of the Game Rules, Tencent will also publish Tencent user guidelines and warning instructions in a proper place, including the game content introductions, proper ways to use the game and ways to prevent harm. All minors shall read and follow these guidelines and instructions carefully under the guidance of the legal guardians. Other players shall avoid publishing or generating any content that may harm the physical or mental health of minors during the use of Tencent Game Service, so as to create a healthy gaming environment.
4.12 If you are under the age of 18, to protect your legal rights, Tencent is entitled to take one or several of the following measures in accordance with the stipulations of the relevant laws, regulations and policies, the terms of other clauses of this Agreement, the operation strategy of Tencent Game, or the reasonable requests of your legal guardian:
(1) providing your legal guardian with related information about your game (including but not limited to log-in information of your game account, recharging and consumption information, and so forth), so that your legal guardian can be informed of your gaming situation timely or simultaneously;
(2) limiting the consumption cap of your game account;
(3) adopting technical measures to block certain games or certain functions of Tencent Game or limiting the gaming time or duration for you;
(4) canceling or deleting your game account, Game Data and other related information; and
(5) taking any other reasonable measures following the request of your legal guardian or the reasonable discretion of Tencent to restrict or prohibit your use of Tencent Game.
4.13 The provision of Tencent Game Service by Tencent is a commercial activity, for which the user is entitled, at his/her own discretion, to decide whether or not to pay associated fees to obtain the corresponding Tencent Game Service, according to the list of charging item unilaterally issued by Tencent (including but not limited to purchasing the right to use virtual items in the game as well as receiving other value-added services and so forth) and Tencent’s corresponding charging rates. You are unable to enjoy certain game services if you fail to pay the fees according to the relevant charging rates.
You acknowledge and agree that changes or adjustments to the charging items or charging rates are normal business activities and you shall not request Tencent to indemnify or compensate you for any change or adjustment to the charging items or charging rates.
4.14 In no event shall Tencent be liable for any damage suffered by you as a result of force majeure during the use of Tencent Game Service. Such force majeure events include but not limited to laws, regulations, policies of the state, orders from state organs, other governmental acts, or other unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable events, including but not limited to earthquakes, floods, snowstorms, fires, tsunamis, typhoons, strikes, wars and so forth.
4.15 Tencent Game may encounter abnormality due to game software bugs, version update flaws, third-party virus attacks, or any other factors, which may lead to the data abnormality of game characters, game items, game equipment, and game currency of your game account. Tencent is entitled to temporarily freeze the game account before the cause of the abnormality is identified. If the Game Data abnormality is identified to be caused by abnormal game behavior, Tencent is entitled to restore the Game Data of the game account to the original status before the abnormality occurs (including requesting a transfer-back of the Game Data from a third-party), under which circumstance Tencent will not be responsible for any consequences arising therefrom.
4.16 Tencent does not grant you the right to obtain game accounts, game items, game equipment, game currency, and so forth from any third- party by purchasing, accepting gifts or other ways. Tencent will not be responsible for any third-party transaction, and will not accept any complaint arising from the disputes of third-party transactions.
4.17 You fully understand that, =there are objectively existing incompatibilities in different operating systems, and such objectively existing incompatibilities cannot be attributed to Tencent, thus your recharging fees and Game Data in one operating system may not be smoothly transferred to another. You, rather than Tencent shall be responsible for the loss of your recharging fee or Game Data caused by your switch of different operating systems.
4.18 You fully understand that, there may be mandatory battle zones or battle gameplay in Tencent Game. If you do not agree to be assigned to such mandatory battle, please do not enter these games or battle zones; and your entry will be deemed as agreement to the battle gameplay and acceptance of the consequences.
4.19 If the operation of Tencent Game is terminated upon Tencent’s own discretion or for any other reasons, Tencent will handle the termination of the game operation in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the MOC regarding termination of online games, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the users.
5.1 You may need to download and install relevant software to use Tencent Game Service, and you can obtain the software directly from Tencent’s related websites or from third parties authorized by Tencent. If you obtain Tencent Game or a game with the same name as Tencent’s game from a third-party not authorized by Tencent, you will be deemed to have not obtained license from Tencent, and Tencent will not guarantee the normal use of the game, nor compensate you for any damage caused thereby.
5.2 Tencent may develop different versions of a software for different terminal devices or operating systems, including but not limited to different versions for Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian, Blackberry and so forth. You may choose to download the appropriate version for installation in the light of actual conditions, and after downloading the installation program, you should install the program by correctly following the instructions provided by the program.
5.3 If Tencent Game is provided in the form of software, Tencent grants you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the software. You may download, install, log in and use Tencent Game software on a single terminal device only for non-commercial purposes.
5.4 In order to provide more high-quality and safe service, Tencent may recommend you to install other software during the game software installation process, you can choose to install them or not.
5.5 If you no longer need to use the software or to install a new version, you can uninstall on your own. If you are willing to help Tencent to improve its product and service, please inform Tencent of your uninstallation reason.
5.6 In order to ensure the security and functional consistency of Tencent Game Service, Tencent is entitled to update the software and to change or limit certain functional effects of the software.
5.7 After a new version of software is released, the older versions may become unusable. Tencent cannot guarantee the continuous usability and the relevant client services of the older version software, please check and download the latest version regularly.
6.1 You fully understand and agree that, you shall be responsible for all actions of your game account, including any content you post and the consequences arising therefrom.
6.2 Aside from using Tencent Game Service pursuant to this Agreement, you shall not engage in any activity that infringes the intellectual property of Tencent Game or engage in any activity that is harmful to the legitimate interests of Tencent or other third parties.
6.3 You shall comply with the laws and regulations during the use of Tencent Game or Tencent Game Service. You shall not use Tencent Game or Tencent Game Service to engage in any illegal conducts, including but not limited to the followings:
(1) opposing the fundamental principles determined by the Constitution;
(2) jeopardizing the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state;
(3) divulging state secrets, undermining state security or damaging the honor or interests of the state;
(4) inciting hatred or discrimination among ethnic groups, undermining the solidarity among ethnic groups, or disrespecting ethnic customs and practices;
(5) promoting heresy or superstition;
(6) spreading rumor, creating social disorder or harming social stability;
(7) advocating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, or abetting the commission of a crime;
(8) insulting or defaming others or infringing any legitimate rights of others;
(9) harming social morality;
(10) containing any other content prohibited by any law, administrative rule or national regulation.
6.4 Unless permitted by laws or written consent of Tencent, you shall not engage in any of the following conducts:
(1) deleting the copyright information on the game software or its copies;
(2) reverse engineering, reverse assembling, reverse compiling of the game software, or any other attempts to obtain the software source code;
(3) scanning, exploring and testing the game software to detect, discover and identify the possible bug or vulnerability therein;
(4) copying, modifying, adding, deleting, mount-running or creating any derivative work from the game software or the data released to the RAM of any terminal device during the running of the software, or the interactive data between the client terminal and the server terminal during the running of the software, or the system data necessary for the running of the software, in such ways including but not limited to using plug-in, cheating tool or unauthorized third-party tool/service to access the software and related systems;
(5) modifying or forging any instructions and data during the running of the software, adding, deleting or changing the function or operation result of the software, or operating and propagating relevant software or method which can used to achieve the above-mentioned function, no matter whether or not the above actions are conducted for commercial purpose;
(6) using Tencent Game and Tencent Game Service through third-party software, plug-in, cheating tool or system that is not developed nor authorized by Tencent, or creating, publishing and propagating third-party software, plug-in, cheating tool and system that is not developed nor authorized by Tencent;
(7) using, leasing, lending, copying, modifying, linking, forwarding, assembling, publishing, issuing or establishing mirror site of the content in the game which Tencent owns intellectual property rights;
(8) establishing mirror site related to Tencent Game, or taking snapshot of relevant web page (web site), or providing service identical or similar to Tencent Game Service by establishing server or alike;
(9) isolating any part of Tencent Game from its main body for separate use, or using Tencent Game in other ways which breaches the provisions of this Agreement;
(10) using, modifying or covering the name, trademark and other intellectual property of Tencent Game;
(11) any other conducts without Tencent’s express authorization.
6.5 If you engage in any of the following conducts during your use of Tencent Game Service, according to the stipulations of this Agreement and relevant Game Rules, Tencent is entitled to take punitive measures against you depending on the severity of the circumstance, including temporarily banning the login of the game account (i.e., banning game account), deleting the game account and Game Data, deleting relevant information and so forth. Under severe circumstances, Tencent will report your conduct to administrative regulators to seek administrative penalties or criminal liabilities against you.
(1) implying or falsely claiming to be internal employees of Tencent or certain special identities in any way, in order to gain improper benefits or impact the rights and interests of other users;
(2) using illegal or inappropriate word, character and so forth in Tencent Game, including using them as the name for game character;
(3) undermining Tencent Game or interrupting the normal operation of Tencent Game Service in any way;
(4) using any illegal cheating tool;
(5) spreading illegal or inappropriate information;
(6) stealing other user’s game account and game item;
(7) making unauthorized transaction of game account;
(8) making unauthorized transaction of game virtual currency, game equipment, game currency and other game item;
(9) breaching any term of this Agreement; or
(10) conducting any other misconduct that is widely recognized within the industry, no matter whether or not such misconduct is explicitly stipulated in this Agreement and the Game Rules.
You acknowledge and agree that, due to the hidden and fast-disappearing nature of cheating tool, Tencent is entitled to decide whether you have conducted behaviors of using illegal cheating tool based on your Game Data and abnormal performances.
6.6 You acknowledge and agree that, if Tencent takes Account Banning measures against your game account pursuant to this Agreement, Tencent is entitled to determine the duration of the ban based on the severity of your violation.
You acknowledge and agree that, (1) the game virtual currency, game equipment, game currency and other game item of your game account may be unusable during the period of Account Banning; (2) if the aforementioned game virtual currency, game equipment, game currency and other game item is subject to certain valid period, the valid period may expire during the period of Account Banning, and thus you will not be able to use the expired game virtual currency, game equipment, game currency and other game item after the expiration of Account Banning period. You hereby agree that you will not pursue any legal liabilities against Tencent for the occurrence of any of the aforementioned circumstances (1) and/ or (2).
7.1 Tencent owns all the intellectual property rights of Tencent Game. All copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual properties, along with other legitimate rights and interests of Tencent Game (including the overall Tencent Game and all contents, components or elements related to Tencent Game), as well as all information and contents related to Tencent Game (including texts, images, audios, videos, graphics, interface designs, layout frameworks, related data or electronic documents, and so forth) are protected by the laws and regulations of the PRC and relevant international treaties. Tencent owns the aforesaid intellectual property rights and legal rights, except for the rights enjoyed by the relevant right owners in accordance with the laws. Without prior written consent from Tencent, you shall not use Tencent Game (including the overall Tencent Game and all contents, components or elements related to Tencent Game) in any way for commercial purpose.
7.2 Notwithstanding any other stipulations in this Agreement, the ownership and intellectual property rights of the Game Data generated during your use of Tencent Game Service is solely owned by Tencent, and Tencent is entitled to store and dispose of the Game Data. Among which, Tencent’s preservation period for the user’s purchase record of game virtual currency will be in compliance with the “Interim Provisions on the Administration of Online Game ” issued by the MOC. Unless otherwise stipulated by state laws and regulations, the preservation period for other Game Data shall be solely determined by Tencent.
7.3 Tencent Game may involve third-party intellectual property rights, and if such third-party holds any requirement on the intellectual property rights which you may use in Tencent Game in pursuance of this Agreement, Tencent will inform you of the said requirement in an appropriate manner and you shall comply with such requirement as well.
8.1 During your use of Tencent Game Service, you shall abide by local laws and regulations and respect local ethics and customs. If your conduct is in violation of local laws, regulations or moral customs, you shall be solely responsible for the consequences arising therefrom.
8.2 You should avoid getting Tencent involved in political and public incidents for your use of Tencent Game Service. Otherwise, Tencent is entitled to suspend or terminate the provision of services to you.
9.1 This Agreement is signed in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of the PRC.
9.2 The conclusion, validity, performance and interpretation of this Agreement and resolution of disputes in connection herewith shall be governed by the laws of the mainland China (excluding the applicable conflict of law rules).
9.3 In the event of any dispute or controversy, the parties shall in the first place use their best efforts to settle such dispute or controversy through amicable negotiation. You agree that any dispute or controversy which cannot be settled by negotiation, shall be submitted and finally resolved by the people’s court at the place where this Agreement is entered into and has jurisdiction over such dispute or controversy.
9.4 The headings of all clauses in this Agreement are established merely for the ease of reading, which do not carry any substantive meanings and shall not be used as references for the interpretation of this Agreement.
9.5 If any clause of this Agreement is deemed invalid for any reason, the rest of the clauses shall survive and remain binding to both parties.
10.1 Tencent is entitled to amend the terms of this Agreement when Tencent deems necessary, and you may find the up-to-date version of this Agreement on relevant webpage. By continuing to use Tencent Game Service after the amendment of the terms of this Agreement, you will be deemed to have accepted the amended agreement.
10.2 According to the advice regarding the healthy gaming habit issued by the State Administration of Press and Publication, Tencent hereby reminds you to avoid inappropriate games, refuse piratical games, pay attention to self-protection, stay vigilant about fraud, play game moderately to relax your brain and refrain from addiction to games.
10.3 This Agreement is written in Chinese (http://jiazhang.qq.com/zk/smallProtocol.html?lang=zh_CN) and English. In the event of any conflict or discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail in determining the spirit, intent, and meaning of this Agreement.